Kenly NC Entire Police Force Quits

Every time it’s posted I laugh just as hard.
Oh Dio, troppo divertente!

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My, my, my, getting testy??

I have an ex-wife and 3 Drill Instructors. I have been called pretty much anything you can think of.

Too bad you don’t have the integrity to admit your post was calling a “whiny white gen-xer” racist.


Nope, I’m good, thanks

As soon as you or anybody else can show me the racism in the post, I’ll be happy to.


Cool…thanks for fining that for me.

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These cops are naive if they thought that the race of the manager wasn’t going to be jumped on by the usual. Based on that alone, they need to spell out their grievances in as much detail as possible. They are guilty until proven innocent, and possibly even after that.

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Even if the LEOs that resigned did do so under reasonable or legit circumstances enough maroons will still stick with the racism horse ■■■■■

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Why do they need to do that? They’ve moved on. Let someone else deal with it.

I had a very similar situation happen 3 years ago. I just transferred, and I couldn’t care less who knew exactly why. Just a hostile work environment. Management and or bosses can create a hostile work environment without appearing to be doing anything wrong. The only way you’d actually catch it is if you planted a mole inside of the workforce.