Kasich will speak at DNC

They should be campaigning for him instead of sending out the virus then.

I don’t think they like Trump either…which makes for a convenient alliance with the DNC and Biden.


They’re salivating at 4 more years of Trump. They couldn’t have asked for a more inept, incompetent POTUS than him. They want nothing more than to see him win re-election.


Trump > Constitution


Russia as well.


Absolutely. One of the most important of all. Also…

Trump > Rule of Law

Undoubtedly. Same with North Korea. These three hostile nations have reaped rewards beyond their wildest imaginations thanks to Trump.

If Reagan was alive today, he would be considered a RINO. The Republican party is not the same party as it was 30 to 40 years ago.


I wonder who George W. and Jeb Bush will be supporting

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Of course not. He was a putz in 2016 and he’s a putz today.

Somehow I think they will be passing on the RNC covid-19 convention.

They are getting up there in years along with McConnell and Grassley.


No, it isn’t. Had we listened to them in 2016, Hillary would be President and we’d be far worse off.

Well that of course is subjective.

I guess why we have an election in November whether to stay the course with trump or go with someone new in Biden.

The election won’t be subjective.


Why do you people keep repeating this nonsense?

Reagan wanted limited government. He fought for it. He wanted strong defense but didn’t want us engaged in foreign conflicts. He wanted school choice. He wanted FAIR trade deals. He stood up to Russia. He tried to address illegal immigration, actually took the stop to grant amnesty with the agreement that we close the borders. He regularly mocked the left for big government solutions. Reagan was certainly not perfect but he pushed hard for Conservative principles.

Trump is actually closer in policy to Reagan than Bush was. Again, far from perfect but his policies are geared toward protecting American jobs, fair trade deals and getting us OUT of wars. . .

Can I borrow the alternate timeline machine to fact check this claim?

Did Hillary choose to throw away the pandemic playbook that was specifically constructed to help the Executive Branch deal with the very type of event that has claimed the lives of over 140,000 of our brothers and sisters, with us speeding ahead to losing over 200,000 by October?

Did she opt not to utilize the DPA to manufacture enough materials for a robust federal tracing and testing program, to help slow the spread of the virus?

Did she sit on her thumbs for the first two months of the pandemic, promising that everything would be fine and the thing would die out by April, instead of acting like every other developed nation in the world?

Were we banned from Europe, the Bahamas, and Canada under her tenure in office?

I’m curious to know how much worse off we would have been under her. How many more deaths? How many more unemployed? How much worse of an inability to flatten the curve?


Of course it is but I don’t believe Kasich gets out the vote like Trump did and even IF he had won, there wouldn’t be a hell of a big difference between he and Hillary. He would have been right in the middle of Carter & Bush as far as policy goes IMO.


Solid rebuttal. Thanks for the reply.

Why the hell would I waste my time on debunked talking points that you folks insist on repeating?

He showed that when he cut and ran from Lebanon.


You are the one who claimed it would be far worse right now under Clinton. I asked some pointed questions that are directly reflective of the actions (or inactions) of Trump, and sought your opinion as to how she would have fared worse. Rather than discuss these realities, you instead punt and then blame me for punting.

So, thanks for the reply I guess?