Kanye 2024! VP TBD

No. Just uninformed.

Just great.

You really should stand on that hypocritical leg.

Best part about this Kanye thing is the absolute freak out by many on the left.

And although I know who Kanye is, I had not heard of Chance the Rapper, until this tweet started being shared around.

Black people don’t have to be democrats.



And one thing to be said for this is that Kim Kardashian would not be a boring First Lady.

Yeah the left has amazing morals. Support of SSM, hard core support for abortion which has killed over 60 million unborn babies so far, general oppostion to Christians and their beliefs, etc, etc.


How is support of same sex marriage bad morals? Because you think it’s icky? No one has hard core support for abortion. Many people believe a woman has a right to decide what happens to her body, rather that you for them. Pro-choice doe not mean pro-abortion. Stop with the ridiculous strawman. General opposition to Christians and their beliefs? Nice victim complex you got there.

what did Jesus say about gay marriage again?

There are no moral Christian that vote democrat?

You are trying to walk a nonexistent tight rope concerning abortion. If you are pro choice then you are pro abortion. Your candidates are doggedly determined to keep abortion legal.

You vote for them anyway.

God clearly defined marriage to be between male and female. Any other variation has to be sinful and a mockery of the real thing.

have you spoken with God? how do you know what he thinks.

I suggest you read your Bible to know what he thinks. Jesus describes marriage as between male and female in Matthew chapter 19.

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iv read the bible, but the bible wasn’t written by God or Jesus it was written and edited by man and man is sinful.
the bible was meant to be a guide to salvation not a weight to burden down believers.

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Does not seem to prevent you from proudly continuing your vocal support of Trump and Republicans in general. :thinking:

Please, for the love of God, no. There are many reasons why I don’t think Kanye should be president. He dosen’t know the issues, he doesn’t have a good strategy to solve those issues.The Kardashians I think are just more fame-hungry…

With all due respect, your religious beliefs are yours. You don’t get to force them on me.

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Potsie Weber

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Then he could run as “Black Donald Trump That Is Also Broke Like Donald”.

Only white people go to Kanye West concerts…DEAF white people to boot.