Kanye 2024! VP TBD

Wait - who are you talking about?

Kanye West

So is Trump. Wants to be the center of everything.

In some ways Trump and Kanye are quite similar. Wouldn’t shock me at all if Kanye runs at some point.

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Kanye/Baio 2020
Kanye/Nugent 2020
Kanye/Dash 2020
Kanye Is a God and Doesn’t Need a VP 2020

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at least you admit it was very recently…lol!

Kenya now think Slavery was a choice.

Lolol at Kenya… You got auto corrected

It just keeps getting better.


i love how conservatives embrace Kanye… you know after they vilified him after the “Bush doesn’t like black people” comment or the infamous Taylor Swift incident… they are all rushing to his side just so they can have one black friend


It happens every time a celebrity says something remotely conservative. That whole “shut up and sing” thing goes completely out the window.

As much as they rag on “Hollyweird” etc, they’d love having more representation in celebrity culture.

Hell, look at who they elected.


Some of these people embracing kanye’s nonsense are not only dishonest, but hypocrites also. Same folks who slayed this dude when he said George bush don’t like black people. You all need to stop the BS. So let me ask you this, do you all also agree with Kanye about slavery being a choice?


This is a shameful moment.

Which conservatives?

look at this board and even the President himself

Trump is not a conservative.

he represents that party so…

There is no conservative party.

Yes, yesssss, yessssss! :grin:.


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