Kansas votes to NOT remove abortion protection from state constitution

Birth control doesn’t work. Condom breaks. IUD malfunctions. Etc

Condom breaks? We’re discussing women.

Very, very rarely. Over 99%. A statistical zero.

That’s not what happens.

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A condom is a way to prevent pregnancy, are you new? :rofl:

It’s not 100% preventative. Even at 99% it assumes near perfect discipline. My wife was on BC for 10 years. Both of our kids were conceived while she was on it.

It’s not zero. So how do you account for accidents? Do we need a questionnaire that asks if they had unprotected sex?

We are discussing women.

Are women two stupid to prevent unwanted pregnancy?

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High road.


I’m thinking that for different types of birth control, and broken out by each manufacturer, the CDC would be required to keep track the expected failure rates. That failure rates then becomes a quota system that would reset each year.

When seeking an abortion the murderess would be required to provide detailed information on the types of birth control used when asking for an abortion.

When the state is below quota, abortions are approved. Once a number of abortions equals the number for the failure rate is reached, abortions based on that type of birth control (by manufacturer), then the quota is filled and no more under those conditions until the next year.


Yes. Condoms don’t prevent men from getting pregnant. Do they?


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Hear! Hear!
:clap: :clap: :clap:

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Damn, you say stupid things.

Go pester someone else.

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That’s not at all tedious or clunky.

Not really. It’s just data.

Manufacturers of physical birth control (condoms) already do statistical qualify assurance on failure rates) and hormonal birth control goes through extensive testing for FDA approval, that also would provide failure rates. All based on type, manufacturer and formulary. That information on failure rates is then provided to the CDC which then creates the bases tables. Those tables are then made available to the states.

When a woman seeks an abortion, she indicates the type of birth control used (if any):

  • No birth control = no abortion for you
  • Rhythm birth control = no abortion for you
  • Condoms as birth control = Abortions up to the state mandated quota
  • Hormonal birth control = Abortions up to the state mandated quota

The state health department maintains a portal with access to licensed health care professionals based on the CDC tables. The woman identifies the method of birth control used, the health care professional logs in, checks the availability of a quota slot. If a slot is available, they reserve it with a “pending” status. Once the abortion is performed, then the status gets changed to “used”.

Once a type of abortions quotas are used up for that year, not more abortions for that method.

I’m a database guy, given the CDC tables I could whip up such a system in about a week. Licensed health care providers would register for an account in the secure portal and boom, ready to roll.

Hell, it wouldn’t even take separate systems by state. One system where each states limits are then contained in a separate related table. Single point access across the whole country 24/7.


And you waste time posting a reply but not addressing the contents of the post.

Pro choice = bodily autonomy of the fully grown adult
Slavers = no bodily autonomy for the fully grown adult

It would be a silly requirement because there is no way to prove that the reason is true or false.

There is no requirement that the reason be proven true or false.

It’s a quota system, not a proof system.

[NOTE: I guess there should have been an inclusion in for exception based on rape or incest based on state law. For example if a rape occurred, it would not count against the state mandated quota as long as it complied with other reporting requirements already in existence.]



Read back upstream for context.


I did. Whether or not an abortion is “approved” by the state depends on how many other women had abortions in that state?

Why yes, that is what a quota is.

That way the state has a way to account for “failures” of birth control.