Kamala helps bail out child rapist

What is wrong with your people who care more about a tweet supporting a fund to bail people out of jail than the actual organization choosing who to bail out or the legal system that lets people out on bail that you feel shouldn’t be.

It’s almost like you © care more about trying to tar Harris then the actual fact that these people are being release on bail.

Imagine thinking this is a bad thing.

Nobel peace prize?

Imagine thinking that electing Biden is a good thing. :face_vomiting:

You make a good point. It’s always these terrible people have been bailed out of jail and it quickly turns into it’s all Harris’ fault.

I don’t have to imagine it.


You won’t like socialism as much as you think. Nobody does.

It is a shame that no one appears to want to discuss the actual topic of this thread.

Biden isn’t a socialist, so I don’t see what this has to do with the thread.

Biden isn’t running things nor will he be.

Is a mantra. As a mantra, it’s probably as useful as om namah shivaya (oh holy Shiva), but it probably isn’t a great prognostication.

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I don’t believe your conspiracy theory is correct.

It is not a mantra. It is a fact.

It’s not a conspiracy theory. They both flat out said it.

Harris ticket with Joe Biden ring a bell?

If its a fact, then you can prove it.

That doesn’t prove it.

The bar for facticity is demonstration, sometimes even proof.

You aren’t using it that way. You are using it, quite literally, as mantra. A focusing repetition of phonemes which retain syntax, but which supersede it.

:rofl: Twice. Both of them. Proof.

Your psuedo-intellectual post not withstanding, we have seen the truth demonstrated out of their own mouths.

So that’s what counts now? So every misspeak from Trump is now official US policy? I want to be clear on that.