Kamala Harris wants to give out free money

Marxism is a classless, stateless, humane society based on common ownership and the underlying principle: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”

You didn’t answer the question … if there is no State, who takes from the wealthy and gives to the needy?

They give it.

Yeah, right. :smile:

Are we going to hear an explanation of the difference between a tax credit/break and a tax subsidy if you are asked? Or are you going to say there is no difference?

A Marxist would likely say it would be organized by the community. A more sophisticated opponent would ask “If there is no state, then how can there be any wealthy people?”.

And some would say that an organized community with a set of enforced rules (redistribution of wealth, for example) is a form of government, i.e. a State.

You asked, I answered.

And they would be wrong.

In conclusion, there would be no state. Point to mobulis.

If there are rules and someone is in charge of enforcing them, there is a State. Point to Samm.

I would say that. Most other people won’t.

Redistribution of wealth doesn’t occur.

Hilarious 10 more

You are right. Not without government to insist upon it that is.

Check the results of the most recent tax cuts.

The federal government has collected about 33% less revenue from corporations than the previous year. Meanwhile, individuals have paid in about 30% more than the previous year.

You might call that a redistribution of some sort.

People donate all of the time, whether to organized charities or through their own choice.

That’s redistribution of wealth, and the state isn’t always involved to insist upon it.

How can you say that? The vast majority of individuals won’t be reporting their tax obligation until next spring.

Other than perhaps Mother Theresa, no individual shares their wealth with the poor to the extent of achieving parity with them, not even the most generous of us. And most do it for the tax exemption, not because they are sympathetic to the plight of the poor and want to share their good fortune. Eliminate the charitable donation tax exemption (government encouragement) and most charities would fold.

I’m not talking about parity. I’m talking about redistribution of wealth, which is what you were talking about.

Redistribution of wealth happens all of the time, and the state doesn’t need to exist for that redistribution of wealth to occur.

Again, being allowed to keep more of what you earn is not the government giving you money and I am going to need to see some actual proof that individuals are paying thirty percent more.