Kamala Harris VP selection?

Looks like Kamala has 4 weeks to select a VP going into the DNC Convention.

Any Twosome Newsome is busy with his homeless problem and wildfire season is here.

Whitmer would be a less popular choice and the potential for catfights with kamala…while interesting…is better to be avoided.

AOC has the charm and personality to accent the lack of personality in Kamala.

Sherrod Brown? Seriously?

Kathy Hochel. The pairing of witches could be quite powerful.

Joe Manchin? He wouldn’t even put WV in play.

Hakkeem the dream Jeffries…would never play second fiddle to Kamala.

Liz Cheney…there is a real outside the box pick.

Josh Shapiro? Still too fresh and unknown. Ed Rendell would be a better pick.

If it were me I would go with Big John Fetterman. Much like Biden selecting Kamala to insure that nobody wants the backup in Big John would serve that role for Kamala giving her fantastic job security and all the attention.

Big John has bounced back from his stroke and Depression with strength and dignity. John is a character and loves the cameras…kinda like Trump. John will always have a sound bite for the media.

Big John Fetterman above all else is a party first stalwart. He is still on team Biden and is not happy with how Biden was treated.

Fetterman, a fierce supporter of Biden throughout the various calls for the president to step aside, told Semafor that he was disappointed that Biden was pushed aside before Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), who was convicted on corruption charges last week.

(What is on Fettermans head?)

You want to WIN WIN WIN Democrats.

Make Big John Fetterman your VP to Kamala.



It has to be Josh Shapiro. That’s a state that normally votes democrat but is in danger. A lot of electoral votes. She cannot afford to lose that state.

BTW, I think she is going white male for the VP.

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It’ll be Shapiro or Kelly.

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If I had the lib brain, I’d go with Newsom. Look what he did for San Francisco specifically, California as a whole and his superior treatment of illegal aliens vs all of the homeless he’s created. He’s the perfect lib choice and he can do the same for all of the US.

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Please leave my governor out of it. I don’t want him tainted for 2028.


:joy: :rofl: What a team they would make. I agree with you. Lets hope that is her pick. I just don’t think she makes it to the convention.

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Who’s Kelly? Laura Kelly? If so, zero chance that happens. She’s not going to pick a woman or a black person.

Bae said it’s gotta be Whittmer. Let’s see if Kamala does as she’s told.



Josh won a very easy election against a lousy R opponent to become Governor. I would caution Democrats who think he will deliver PA as VP that it would not be a slam dunk.

All kidding aside Fetterman is FAR more popular than Shapiro. Shapiro will campaign like an accountant. He isn’t an animated speaker.

Newsome has the charisma that Shapiro and Whittmer lack.

He would be a solid pick for a ticket topper with no charisma.

Shapiro could be a force by then.

Whitmer is an oddball with draconian tendencies.

That whole kidnapping plot was really bizarre and I am being generous with that assessment.


I’m not saying Shapiro would give Harris PA. I’m just saying that she has to try to keep PA. That’s her only chance. She can’t lose that state.

You can’t pick a VP from a battleground state when you’re in danger of losing a solid blue state.

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MAGA country!

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Mark Kelly.

Looks like Daddy Warbucks. Kamala’s type.

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Josh has had a tough time getting his state budget together and he is the epitome of a lawyer/accountant.

People do sort of like him. He isn’t bat ■■■■ crazy…big plus.


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I endorse sheila jackson lee for VP.

Someone to connect with dimocrat voters.



I see what you did there.

Good one.



Newsom is out because both he and Harris are from California. They are not going to add in any extra complications at this late stage.

I think Shapiro makes sense from a tactical perspective.