Kamala Harris VP selection?

Gun grabber won’t help with swingy states…FWIW.


I am sure Josh would be delighted to jump into the middle of the crazy carnival with both feet at a moments notice.


Never doubt the attraction of power to a politician. Regardless of what they say in public.

I still think Trump will win but I also think Republicans are getting a bit cocky. Some posts here replicate what I am seeing on Twitter that November is a foregone conclusion. Thats a dangerous approach to take as Hillary discovered in 2016.

Josh has a pretty good spot as Governor.

If Fetterman isn’t good enough for the Kamala Circus train then give Battling Bob Casey the call up.

Casey absolutely WOULD do anything for power.


The DNC is in shambles. Peacocking is expected, but when the time comes, the votes for Trump will be cast.

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Ok, Arizona. That makes more sense than Laura. But I’d worry more about Penn. than Arizona. Pennsylvania should be in your pocket and is now very much in question. Better to try and keep that than to try to turn a normally red state with half the votes blue.

The sting of 2020 is too fresh to get too confident.

We know the six ways to Sunday includes a bullet to the ear.


Harris has done a stellar job to date as a DEI pick VP it will be a difficult choice to find the perfect compliment for the Democrats ticket. It of course won’t be a “black” or a woman. Fetterman is curious, the “Dumb and Dumber” memes will be epic.
Of course the actual “picks” are no longer in the hands of the Democrat voters whose primary votes have been hauled off to the landfill. That ‘MOCRACY thingy is great stuff huh? :rofl: OBiden’s delegates are free agents and presently, Harris’ position on the ticket is still VP. The delegates under newly formed rules could pick someone else as their Presidential nominee.
Watch as Ol Joey continues to resist “resigning” to prevent Harris from ascending the throne thereby removing all doubt over her competence to be POTUS.
Keep a good supply of popcorn, it’s gonna be entertaining to watch.

It would be devilishly clever of Biden to make Harris the 47th POTUS.

All that Trump merch with 47 on it would be on its way to Liberia.

Shhhh don’t give him any ideas.


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Kamala. Already planning her campaign.


Fun facts:
Gerald Ford was named Nixon’s VP after then VP Spiro Agnew resigned.
Gerald Ford became the 38th Prez after Nixon resigned. Once Ford was sworn in he pardoned Nixon.
An attempt on Gerald Ford’s life was made in 1975 by a cult follower of Charles Manson.
Gerald Ford was narrowly defeated by Jimmy Carter in the 1976 election.
Gerald Ford was the only person in US history to serve as Vice President AND President without winning an election.

Not that any of this interests anyone but me but I thought it curious considering the prospect of OBiden perhaps resigning. I don’t think it will happen but….?


I remember all of this.

I believe Ford played football at Michigan. Nice guy kinda like Josh Shapiro.


Just checked and Ford was a Center for the Wolverines in 1932 to 1934.

quite correct.

it will be a white male who is a moderate.

beshear from KY cooper from NC kelly.AZ and of course shapiro PA.

i will guarantee it will one of those white dem moderates


No pro Fetterman opinions?

Shapiro has no personality.

Plus he’s Jewish. The squad wouldn’t approve.


If they really wanted the W, they’d go with Kasich.

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No way Fetterman is going to be selected. And if they did you would be among the first to criticize the choice.

I thought they were before and we’re setting themselves for a fall. Kinda like Hilkary, be so confident “no need to show up to vote, Trump will win easy.”


Oh yeah, choose Hillary. :rofl::rofl:

as mythical as unicorns