Kamala Harris calls for all Americans to "end up at the same place"

But no vote…


I am a liberal, not a CJT Marxist.

The 1619 Project.

She is not advocating for equality of outcomes. Not a single liberal does.

We just want everyone to start at the same starting line. How they finish should be up to the individual with minimal government/corporate impediments to that finish.

That makes you an anachronism, as you can plainly see. No soup for you!

Is that what you feel you are voting for, in spite of the evidence above to the contrary?


(Deep Breath)



Just a statement of vague platitudes that allows potential voters to read into it what they want.


Oh no! In Wokish that is very clear.

Why is equality and equity a partisan issue?

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People wonder why collectives are so inefficient…

This is why.

People work best for their self interest.

End at the same place? Not a chance.

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The liberals aren’t in control of the Democratic Party. Should we take her at her word or is she lying with that post?


By identity group. With move ups for “justice” for past history and privilege. Based on intersectionality.

We should absolutely take her at her word.

Of course she is not a pro - the details will be left to the True Believers.

Racial identity is what was used to hold people back.

Why shouldn’t it be used to reverse the affects?

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Seriously, not literally

Right on! :fist:t3:

I didn’t say racial.

Both. She means what she regurgitates.

I wonder who is coaching her? Probably Robin herself.

I did. As an example.