Justice Alito flew an upside down flag as he

Because Biden asserted his executive power based on that reason.

They could go to court about it instead of the TV.

Once again… go to court about it. And I find it funny that the using the courts to stall something is now a complaint.

.I stand corrected

They are going to the courts, what do you think the subpoena is for? Who said it was now a complaint except you?

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They should work it out in the courts then.

That is to go after Garland for contempt. They don’t actually give a crap about the audio… they never really did . They just want a reason to fight.

Now they don’t need the audio anymore.

I changed my response

Yep to put pressure on him. It is faster then the courts. Now they also have a subpoena for court.

Maybe, I go back to my original statement the audio can be much more revealing then just the transcripts. You denied that.

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What is the legislative intent though? What do they gain that isn’t already in the report and in the transcripts?

It would validate Hur’s claim Biden memory was bad and shut down all the libs claims that Hur was wrong and it was just a hit piece. Last night validated Hur perception of Biden.


Perhaps for the second debate (if there is one) Democrats should demand that the answers may be handed in as a printed transcript, as it does not matter.

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I was thinking the same thing.

Since the Hur report was about criminal matters… what does that have to do with any potential charges?

The Hur report argues in part that Biden is a forgetful old man who may have forgotten he had classified documents as soon as he found them. It also says that he would have sympathy as an old man in his condition. The transcripts could make it clear if that is a true representation of Biden’s condition.
Though I have to,agree, the debate pretty much cleared up any questions regarding that issue.

It doesn’t who said it did or had to be? but if he is too old and memory failing to extent he can’t be held responsible, then how could he be president. That is a valid point. Just because it was decovered in a investigation doesn’t mean it is not of public interest.

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Well… now the GOP has all that they want.

They have a centuries worth of sound bites from last night.

It’s up for the voters to decide now.

So back to the point you can get more out of seeing or hearing it in person then just reading a transcription that has been cleaned up.


They belong to We…

Why don’t you want We… to have them?

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But no one can tell me for what purpose other than showing that Biden is old.

That is not new information.

It would confirm his lack of mental acuity how hard is that for you to understand? Oh I know it is not, you are just trolling. You admit they don’t need it now because of last night, freely admitting you know what it would have been used for.

DIsagreeing is not trolling.

I will break it down.

Congress gets the report and the transcipts.

They say that they want the audio.

The Executive says no.

Congress whines on TV about it and issues a subpeona.

The Executive says no.

Congress whines on TV.

That is what happened.

Instead of fighting it out in the court they whined on TV.

No it is not but constantly asking what they need it for when you admit what they need it for is.

Yea and so what?
What does that have to do with admitting that hearing the interview is way more revealing then just reading transcripts.

How long did they whine on tv about Trumps taxes before they went to court?

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I am asking what the legislative intent is.

They know he is old.

They went on TV AND went to court.

The GOP isn’t doing a certain step.

Really? Asked and answered by me and you. Knock it off. what was legislative intent of getting Trumps tax records? What did they use them for?

It took them years before they did.

How long ago was the investigation over?

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