Justice Alito flew an upside down flag as he

Lol during an awful heat wave.

How many others there said he didn’t?

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the other people who were there are all liars, but the guy who has an ax to grind is telling the truth.

of course you believe him. You have to, for the narrative


That might be true. But that would be stupid. It just reenforces it is all political.

It was political for the GOP to want them. They didn’t want them for investigative purposes. They wanted them to find soundbites.

I understand.

democrat political fears are not a valid reason for executive privilege. obstruction of justice is though!


What was the legislative intent of Congress having the Audio?

There was none.

They could have gone to the courts and worked it out there to get them like it was done with Trump’s Tax Returns.

Instead they go on the TV and scream.

They don’t have to do that now because they have what they wanted with the debate.

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They didn’t do that until he refused to turn them over.

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The proper way to get them was to then go to the courts.

Just like when the Dems wanted Trump’s Tax Returns.

But they didn’t do that… because there isn’t any value in that for the GOP.

There is value in screaming about it.

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You have got to be kidding!! :joy:

I am not.

The fact you think getting a private persons tax returns is the same as getting government documents that you have oversite of is amazing.

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Trump was not a private person at the time.

They were his private returns. And yes they want his returns when he was a private person.

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Well they used 26 US Code 6103 and won in court.

Is there such a law for obtaining audio from a special council when the transcripts have been provided?

Yea so. That is what they had to do.

Except for that pesky public property thorn… There is no reason to claim executive privilege.

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Of course there was a reason to claim executive privilege.

If Congress had a problem with it… go to the Courts not the TV.

Name it?

I happen to agree. But that is the reality of it. No different then them running to tv about Trumps tax records.

Because as Garland said they have the “responsibility to safeguard the confidentiality of law enforcement files where disclosure would jeopardize future investigations”

They could fight that assertion in court… but they aren’t.

The Dems fought in court and won.

That is not executive privilege. That is the standard law enforcement claim when they don’t want to say something. So try again what is their bases for executive privilege?

What the hell do you think the subpoena is? They new they wouldn’t win so he asked for executive privilege. Which they will lose also. It will just take a year at which point it won’t matter. It is a stalling tactic period.

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