Let’s make a deal. You can take anything that poster writes seriously and I’ll take anything he writes with as uniformed garbage.
Convicted felon arrested 4 times for probation violations…clearly that’s not the problem.
So what was keeping her from having that gun you were talking about in your fantasy?
Either you fully expect her and everyone else to carry a gun for protection or you don’t. Please make up your mind and let us know what you decide on.
I did.
Those who want to access a firearm should be able to do so if they have no strikes on their record against them.
Those who don’t want one shouldn’t be compelled to buy one.
Perhaps had she been able to, or chosen, to arm herself, she could have protected her family from this loser.
Look up Richard Jahnke. He had firearms, which his son used against him to end years of horrific abuse.
Good riddance to bad rubbish, and I hope the wife and kids are now doing well in life.
Black market guns can be bought in every country on earth.
Why do you want to discriminate against the poor who are most likely to need a firearm for self defense?
Not a very likely scenario. Possible yes but highly unlikely.
No. How about we all treat each other with a modicum of respect?
That’s very true.
That should be a huge clue.
Cool. So instead of improving things to make it harder for guys like Lindsey to get guns, you can just think every time there is a murder like this…“Victim should have had a gun!”
Good plan.
No genio. I want to drive up the cost of black market guns. Not legal sales.
If the price of legal sales has to go up some to make it all work then that is fine. It would not be near as much as the black market and the poor would need less protection as illegal guns dried up.
That is an astounding display of convoluted illogic.
You can’t possibly show any of the above to be true.
Did you not post the above?
Is that west aussie or what ever his name was?
Hope not. 10char
Smoking dope?
Sure, sure… yet you are happy with the system that let’s guys like Gary get his gun with as little trouble as possible.
In fact, you’d likely be happier if it was easier.
What system would that be?
I’m partially blaming the abundance of guns in our country and the ease with which people can buy them, legally or illegally. There are just so many guns out there…
Ultimately it’s the killer’s fault. But I just wish we didn’t make it so easy for these ■■■■■■■ to get efficiently lethal weapons.
Would you feel better if he had had no gun, but rather had stabbed, bludgeoned, strangled or smothered them to death? How much advantage does a grown man need to kill little kids?
Straw purchases, people being able to buy guns from sources with no background check… these things and others add up to making it way to easy for someone like the killer to get guns when he should not have been able to get one.
Now come on gun huggers everywhere and tell me how nothing can ever be done that will make it much, much harder and or more expensive for people like him to get a gun. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…
Do you seriously think that these kids would still be alive if he didn’t have a gun?