Just so we don't forget about guns....4 kids murdered

I am not familiar with Zen but I agree. it seems like the hardest thing to bear. Life is so precious. I’ve lived most of mine already. Those children didn’t even get the chance.

I understand, but your blame is not based on logic.

Read the book. Your feeling on this are addressed.

I have a close friend who lost his middle girl in a traffic incident. After I saw what it did to them, I told my son, “I can’t do that. I’m not strong enough.”

And I’m not.

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Aberrant micro-culture. That’s how he describes these people. The killers.

I’m so sorry for your friend Sneaky. I imagine most parents would rather die themselves than see their child die before them. And I imaging the parents do actually die a little after losing a child, maybe a lot.

The title of this thread exemplifies the anti-gun mob ideology.

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" Just in case your attention has wondered off from what it is that I want, let me bring up this horrible tragedy involving children."


Yes. It’s basic knowledge that anyone with an elementary school education knows. That this poster doesn’t know this is telling.

That’s not true at all.

Are you telling me it’s not general knowledge that you learn in elementary school that Puerto Rican’s are US citizens?

And especially since Hurricane Maria there is no excuse for an adult not to know this.

Yes, I’m telling you that

And what’s an adult’s excuse for not knowing this?

Dude! Did you miss the part of geography or history class that taught about Puerto Rico being a U S Protectorate and Puerto Ricans being able to come and go from PR to the mainland as they see fit?

O P posts about crimes with firearms.

Well, it appears the mother had been in a relationship with this Gary Lindsey–why are all three names posted, as if these losers are of such great importance?–and he was baby daddy to kids 3 & 4.

How about posting about the hazards of dating when one is a single parent?

I lived in Florida for years, and this crime (maybe not with firearms, but just kids that weren’t fathered by the abuser being killed by abuse) is routine, mothers’ boyfriends beating and killing the kids.

Straw purchases, people being able to buy guns from sources with no background check… these things and others add up to making it way to easy for someone like the killer to get guns when he should not have been able to get one.

Now come on gun huggers everywhere and tell me how nothing can ever be done that will make it much, much harder and or more expensive for people like him to get a gun. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…

How about mom having a gun to protect herself? Most likely, the death of the four children wasn’t the first of Gary lindsey’s offenses against him. Maybe she could have protected them with her own carry conceal and hiding place for the weapon unknown to him.



Um, OK.

Having lived in that state and dated someone who carried a .381 Backup to protect himself in the neighborhood of his workplace should he get called there after hours (rotating 24 hour call), how exactly is that “precious”?

Maybe she could have carried a backup pistol and defended herself and her kids against this loser.

It’s also the culture of “baby mommee” and “baby daddee” that contributes as well as not teaching members of both sexes to be choosy in who they date, marry and procreate.

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Lack of impact.