Just say no to Doc Fauci

You’ve changed your tune on this so many times you don’t even remember all the different positions you’ve taken.

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Enjoy! Nice chatting with you.

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always goes back to the poster huh tommy?


Yes. Yes it does. He would nearly always rather discuss the flaws of people rather than the actual topic. It’s boring, childish and desperate. Everyone makes this same mistake. But Tommy takes it to another level.


if you recall this forum some years ago or so was nothing but a personal attack insult fest

many cant let those habits die

Lol no. It’s just some weird “ yew can’t tell me wut ta dew” cultural identity.

This is one of the sillier attempts. When abortions are spread through respiration then you’ll have an adequate comparison.

Instead of “my body my choice”, a more accurate descriptor would be “my recklessness my negligence”.

i have no idea what you are saying. sorry.

That’s not it at all. You are projecting. If you want to know, you must ask. Rewind your projector.

I already know and explained it.

fine by me

as long as we refer to “choice” slogan as “my irresponsibility my baby’s dismemberment”

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I got my second Pfizer shot Saturday…

I m seriously wondering why the hell I m still wandering around with that dumb mask on…

It’s out of courtesy to the folks who’s businesses I m entering…when I fly again next month I ll wear the dumb thing because it’s required to get on the plane…

It’s seriously about time to tell the bureaucrats our freedom is more important than their control.

Fauci is always going to find the next reason to be afraid, to be scared of some variation from Botswana or something that’s going to kill us all…

It’s time to move on. Fauci is about 15 years past retirement age…go sit on a beach somewhere Tony.

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Why is that weird? What gives “yew” the right to tell someone else what to “dew”?

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Ok. Well, it all happened because Donald Trump didn’t want to wear a mask because it would mess up his the heavily applied makeup he won’t go out in public without, along with his girdle and heel lifts and all the things that make him so manly.

That’s it.



I don’t but public health laws and officials do, upheld as Cobstititiknal going across multiple SCOTUS cases starting in the early 1800’s.

This would be little easier to take if there was some of the same resistance to “no shirt, no shoes”.

But, it all comes down to Trump didn’t want to do it because it would mess up his foundation and he thought it looked weak. So, here we are, pretending it’s a liberty argument.

As long as everyone is scared lefties are happy.

Open the borders without testing the illegals but keep the schools closed…

Fauci’s job is to peddle the fear. Screw him he’ll never say these words…”it’s time to open this country and give the American People their lives back!”

The guy makes more than any other government employee, including the President. Fauci will always have some reason we all need to be afraid be very afraid.

Fauci is a well paid puppet for the democrats never let a good crisis go to waste gang.

I don’t trust him any farther than I can throw him. While he’s been the one giving the advise a lot of people have died, businesses have been destroyed, and kids have been starring at screens instead of going to school. Fauci should have been gone long ago with that record of failure.


To a point.

To a point. Do you know what that point is?

People resist what they choose to.

“Because” is irrelevant.

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couldnt have said it any better.

all so true

Lol. Yeah, we posted together through all the “muslimaniac hordes are coming for gramma” to wanting to build a wall to keep out MS-13 from the same grammas.

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