Just Keeps getting worse and worse for Puerto Rico .

Puerto Rico is nothing like DC. Puerto Rico is a self-governing Commonwealth (by the will if it’s people) with their own Constitution, who also enjoy the protection of the US and US Citzenship, as they are still legally unincorporated territory of the US. Their citizens also pay no Federal income tax excep on gains earned inside the US.

In 1953 when they officially ended their stint as an incorporated territory of the US and became a Commonwealth.

There is no mechanism to expell a State from the Union.

Those are individuals. Puerto Rico as a country brings nothing to the table. It’s like being engaged to a woman with bad credit, a ■■■■ ton of debt, no job and a bad attitude. Then wondering if you should go ahead and marry her.

Cut them loose.

PS- it don’t work that way. Somebody else doesn’t not go because one of them did.

PSS - Did you serve? Maybe they went for you. I did my own.

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Economically I agree.

For some. Others need time to adapt.


I have to, shall we say, differ in opinion on some points made in this thread regarding Puerto Rico.

Until the day that Puerto Rico is: 1. Admitted to the Union or 2. Granted independence, it is a territory of the United States, no more, no less. It’s status as a self governing commonwealth is irrelevant to its status as a territory of the United States.

Puerto Rico is currently deemed to be an UNINCORPORATED territory of the United States, per a very long line of court decisions dating back to the Insular Cases, which first made the distinction between incorporated and unincorporated. As an unincorporated territory and per the Insular Cases, Puerto Ricans lack some of the privileges and immunities of those living on the mainland, even as United States Citizens.

Congress could, by law, incorporate Puerto Rico but to this point they have not done so. Congress could revoke Puerto Rico’s self governing status by law, in which case Puerto Rico would be governed by a Governor appointed by the President of the United States and with a legislature that would have only limited power.

The bottom line is that, barring Statehood or barring independence, Puerto Rico is Congress’s bitch.

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Cut 'em loose.


Yep indeed.

Just discovered yesterday, the situation is even worse yet. Yet another warehouse was discovered in the city of Ponce to be holding undistributed aid from the 2017 hurricane. A blogger recorded the discovery after the warehouse was inspected for damage due to the recent earthquake. This huge warehouse appears to be 100,000 - 150,000 square feet and packed with supplies such as water, tarps, tents. blankets, baby formula, diapers, Coleman stoves and camp fuel, propane cylinders…

Here is the video from the blogger after the undistributed aid was discovered:



You forgot one option.

  1. Accept citizenship in the new nation of Puerto Rico and reject US citizenship and remain on the island,
  2. Reject citizenship in the new nation of Puerto Rico, retain their US citizenship and move to a United States State.
  3. Reject citizenship in the new nation of Puerto Rico, retain their US citizenship and and stay on the island. There are many US citizens that live in foreign counties.
    .WW, PHS

I’ll second that sentiment :beer:

Edit: I didn’t see this story had already been posted by @tim

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