Julian Assange: Russian Asset

LIBs still don’t quite understand one simple concept.

In order to compare any President’s legacy, they will have to wait until a President’s term has been completed. Only then can the totality of a President’s legacy be compared with the legacy of other Presidents.

That is a fact.


Not even remotely true. :wink:

The economy is doing well and I attribute that to Obama and Trump. It is not as if the economy in 2016 was substantively different than the economy of 2019. Both are good economies and both presidents deserve credit for the good economy under their tenure.

Why? I would agree it wouldn’t be fair to take the worst quarter from one president and compare to the best quarter from the other. But one could compare best quarters to best quarters, for example. Or one could look at yearly results and make similar comparisons to see if trends have changed substantively.

Not in the slightest. Keynesian methods have been abused as well.

I go by statistics and results.

There is zero…ZERO…long term correlation between Supply Side stimulus and long term economic growth.

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Once Trump completes his 8th year then we can compare best quarters for each. It is unfair to cherry pick Obama’s best quarter in his 8 years and compare it with Trump’s best quarter part way through his term. It is quite likely Trump’s best quarters are still ahead.


That’s crap. But please feel free to make your case with hard statistics.

Not crap and been done already.

Countless times.


But don’t leave out the part where Mueller said that one of the reasons that the level of evidence was not attained was because people lied and destroyed evidence.

That part is also important.

Can “we” have a giant beer summit and…all just get along? :sunglasses:

Leave Hillary and her crew that were NEVER placed under oath out of this.

If one reads the Mueller Report, one would see that there was no indication of even an effort by the Clinton campaign to interact with Russian Intelligence.

The same could not be said for the Trump Campaign.

10 second Tom is back again. You know how untrue this statement is yet you can’t help yourself from trying to promote this falsehood.


I still dont know why he didnt charge them with destruction of evidence


No collusion. :wink:

So then there was collusion after all??? :confused:

So you have made the case, with hard statistics countless times already, that Supply Side doesn’t work? Hmmm……. :thinking:

I must have missed those threads.

Did CNN name any sources and have them personally validating this story on screen, or were they more of the “anonymous sources” that have done such a great job of misinforming the public about the Russian collusion delusion for the last three years?

The National debt has risen by about $2.5 trillion since Trump became President. And that is with the unemployment rate having been below 5% throughout all of Trump’s Presidency.

It was probably mostly Manafort and he is going to spend the rest of his life in prison anyway.