Dexter Taylor, a 52yo Software Engineer with a machine shop in his basement was building guns as a hobby in his home. They were never sold. He never even fired them. He never hid anything. He has a spotless record. Authorities raid his home in the middle of the night, and the New York Judge tells his council that the 2nd Amendment doesnt exist in her courtroom. This judge should be jailed on Rikers island of Dexter Taylor
Colin Noir, the creator of this video really makes some great points. He is obviously upset at this Judge and uses some course language in the video.
Non Concur. People have been building home made guns for centuries. Has everything to do with the Second Amendment. Further, the Judge said the Second Amendment doesnt exist in her courtroom. She should not be a judge. She is an activist. She should trade her robe for a sign.
and there is already federal regulation of them, that is heading to SCOTUS
âIn urging the Supreme Court to hear the administrationâs appeal in the case, Garland v. VanDerStok, No. 23-852, Solicitor General Elizabeth B. Prelogar said the appeals courtâs ruling would produce âa flood of untraceable ghost guns into our nationâs communities, endangering the public and thwarting law-enforcement efforts to solve violent crimes.â
I would note that the Second Amendment has only been incorporated since 2010. Had that judge made that statement prior to MacDonald, they would have been correct.