Judge Says 2nd Amendment Doesnt Exist in New York

“Ghost guns” :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


We call that the Waco justification.

Those serial numbers don’t match!!! It makes it more deadly!!

It’s clearly time to raid a house and kill a Pit Bull!


When I was a kid in Michigan, people made home made trailers. They then had to go to the state police where it would be assigned a serial number. I dont see why that same thing couldnt happen today. No excuse for a swat raid for no supposed crime at all.

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A defense attorney literally saying it. :blush:.

But i agree it is incorporated

The crime here, I think, was having unregistered guns without serial numbers. That’s illegal in NY state. But I also agree that the raid and prosecution are way over the top in this situation. At least, based on what we know.

Most individual parts of guns are serialized. And a freshly manufactured firearm, according to the ATF, should have all matching numbers. Or a sequence that matches.

It’s one of those soft violations that’s tolerated by the people. Because imo it’s none of their business if my AK has a trigger assembly that doesn’t match its original serial number series. Maybe I just wanted a better trigger assembly than what a stock AK comes with. They’re not that crisp.

The Supreme Court only acknowledged as such in 2010 and a future Supreme Court could reverse that ruling.

Some aspects of the Bill of Rights remain incorporated to this day.

As with Dobbs, the Supreme Court could do a 180 on guns in the intermediate or distant future.


Which is a horrible violation of the 2nd. One should not have to register a right. It’s none of their business.


Which I think is worthy of argument in court. NY state has justified the laws based an increase in crimes committed with “ghost guns”.

Feel good holophobe laws is all that is.

Eh. They find that “ghost guns” are being used to commit crimes. They push policy to ban “ghost guns”.

It’s a feel good law. Because a stolen gun works just as well and doesn’t require assembly.

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“Ghost” guns … OMG, quick call Scooby Doo and the gang to unmask the bad guy.

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That’s what they’re called apparently.

They could instead actually arrest and throw away the key all the criminals. As opposed to let them walk.

Also, i find the finding (in light of that) suspect and self serving to a political party that wants POWER.

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Gotta love the sensationalism for idiots.



Being robbed is apparently now engaging in business if you follow the left’s logic.

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Even a cursory reading of the constitution lays out plainly which amendment applied ONLY to the federal government, and which applies to ALL level of government. It easy to see because the one that applies ONLY to the federal government starts… “The Congress Shall Make No Law”. Others clearly are restrictions on all levels of government as they clearly identify what they protect “The right of the People”.

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I’ve yet to hear of a working “Ghost Gun” that falls under the legal definition of “Undetectable”.



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