Judge orders ICE to stop separating families and to reunite kids

Trump already publicly refused to do it. Said it would lead to corruption for. . .reasons?

Plans are for Losers


The welfare of the families supersedes a protective sentiment like this. The government will survive. And there wonā€™t be any ā€œsurgeā€ other than what there is now.

We donā€™t have the resources to hire a couple hundred judges, but Trump wants 28 billion dollars for a stupid ass wall. Interesting.

If you want to identify fake Christians (or really even fake family values people) just hop on the internet and see which ones are arguing against reuniting these children with their parents for pretty much any reason.

Big ole red flag.

he spends tons of $$$ on golf.

Trump already rescinded his dumb ass idea to split up families. But he never said he would reunite them in a timely manner. This ruling requires that- which is a good thing. Otherwise we are no better than slave traders who split up families.

No one cared when the laws were written, or when past presidents separated children.

The vast majority of children entering illegally come without parents. They are attracted to our open borders and some die, and most are molested. Dems donā€™t care about these children either.

No president has removed children from ALL families as a deterrent against immigration. Because its crazyā€¦and frankly evil.

Why are you lying, This was not Trumps Dumb Rule. It was Congress who made the rule.
Yes Trumpā€™s administration went to the extreme on it and applied it across the board.
Just like many of you complaining about the conditions in these detention areas that it is somehow Trumps Fault Only when the conditions were the same durning Obamaā€™s admin and you all didnā€™t make a stink.

All the past Presidents and Congress people are to blame for the piss poor Immigration issues we have currently. No one seems to want to come up with a solution to fix it.
My opinion Give Trump his wall. Then make a Path to citizenship for all the current illegals in the country and the dreamers. And if the Illegals or Dreamers donā€™t take the path to Citizenship boot them out.
Then tighten up the boarder and fix the Immigration process.
and say NO MORE!!

Yes it was ā€œTrumpā€™s Dumb Ruleā€. He implemented it and he rescinded it. If he really thought it was a bad idea from the start he could have made the EO on April 8th. Instead he implemented it, removed thousands of children from their parents with no cogent path to reunification.

It took a massive national outcry to force him to rescind that horrible policy. Evangelicals, CEOs and most republicans thought it was crazy.

Thank For for sane people.

Thanks for agreeing. Please notify yourself from 5 seconds earlier.

Then what is the hold up?

The way I look at it is - it cannot be proven the adult(s) are the parent. Until that can be proven, I assume the child is being exploited. Using the term ā€œparentā€ assumes that is indeed the case. What if it is not the parent but a child trafficker and the child is too afraid to speak out?

To me, your assumption is naive. If you really care about the children, make sure they are going to back to a parent. Realize that many children are nothing more than disposable once their purpose has been served. Helping those children should be a priority.

The real parents knew the risks but proceeded anyway. I have no sympathy for them being separated from their children. It was their choice, their risk. They gambled and lost. Or, should I say their children suffered the consequences of their parentsā€™ choices.

Glad to see this ruling. Stop this madness.

A couple of hundred?

Letā€™s divide the backlog of 660,000 cases/200 judges. Thatā€™s 3,300 cases for each judge to review. At 6 cases per day each it would take them each 550 court days just to handled the current backlog. Figuring 5 court days x 50 weeks thatā€™s Thatā€™s two years and four months just to handled the current backlog so in 2.5 we could start all over with an even larger backlog having to hire several times as many judges, creating several times as many courts staffed with several times more people needing several times more facilities.

Or we finally secure the border cutting the tide to a trickle hire a few thousand judges temporarily to handle the backlog and solve the problem permanently.

Iā€™ll take the wall any day.

Horse hockey, the welfare of the citizens of the US takes precedence over the welfare of illegal aliens who have no right to be in the US to start with.

ITā€™s obvious the left has blown a collective gasket when they start holding up CEOā€™s and Evangelicals to make their arguments.

Utterly laughable.