Judge Napolitano lays out why Trump should be impeached

I agree…He will run on being the victim of a smear job. He is winning at it. Look at all the negative media attention he gets and still 60% of the country does not support impeachment. All the people on the left screaming for impeachment look more deranged than Trump does and that is hard to pull off, and their doing it!

What do you base this on?

Rendering an opinion on what Trump did does not mean he is against him.

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latest poll, 38% don’t support impeachment.


Trump playing the victim card as a candidate seems inevitable. It plays so well with his base.

As to support for impeachment, you seem to be discounting all the data from the past two weeks that show a large swing in favor of opening the enquiry. I wonder why?

As to the left looking more deranged than Trump: I look at Pelosi’s sober statesmanship and Trump’s performance over the past two weeks and wonder if you are serious about this.

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Well that is not at all true.

Trump loves to use that excuse (“they begged me for…”) when he’s slighted:
When Fox News host Dana Perino said negative things about Trump’s 2015 campaign announcement, he tweeted, “Why did @DanaPerino beg me for a tweet (endorsement) when her book was launched?”

When Rick Perry called him a “cancer on conservativism” with a “barking carnival act,” Trump tweeted that Perry had been “in my office last cycle playing nice and begging for my support and money. Hypocrite!”

After Brett Bozell penned a January 2016 National Review article questioning Trump’s conservative bona fides, Trump tweeted that the right-wing activist was a lightweight who “came to my office begging for money like a dog.”

In October 2016, Trump lashed out at then-Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), tweeting, “The very foul mouthed Sen. John McCain begged for my support during his primary (I gave, he won), then dropped me over locker room remarks!”


Patriots who love our country can see where the ugly corruption lies, so watch out for the true believers to scream louder. Ignore them.

From the link:
"The president has taken an oath to enforce federal law, not break it. He cannot lawfully impose conditions – conditions that benefit him alone – as a prerequisite to compliance with the law.

Is violating campaign finance law by involving a foreign government in an American presidential campaign an impeachable offense? Yes, it is.

The expressed intention of those who wrote the Constitution and those who wrote the campaign finance laws 200 years later – and the lesson of the post-2016 election and Mueller-investigated angst in America – was to keep foreign governments out of the American political system."

And don’t forget, on the same day as Robert Mueller was testifying to Congress, Conman Donman thought nothing about getting on the horn and getting into the corruption gutter again. Sad.

Some people on here lap up Trumps quotes like a thirsty dog laps water and think they are fact but as you point out if there is criticism BAM! there is a"came begging" statement

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Points for the Dark Tower reference.

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This is a true fact.

Or, he will tag them with a nickname or otherwise disparage them.

There is absolutely no friendly or civil difference of opinion with the man.

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I’m still going to say it every chance I get though. very conflicted!

How so? Napolitano has been an anti Trumper from day one.

Dog ■■■■ no he hasn’t.


But the whole “ he’s a hater of Trump” excuse that is used to dismiss criticism is old and best left for Trump to say himself. Napolitano is a Hillary person. He supported Hillary. He’s a partisan. He’s very unfair to Trump. Very conflicted.

What does any of that have to do with the post I replied to or my post?

Napalitano has never been in Trump’s camp or a Trump supporter.

Was Trump himself a Trump hater back in the good old days when he supported Hillary? Asking for a friend.

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We don’t talk about those days.


Neither does he, oddly enough.


His statement is personally accurate so where are you finding fault with it?