Judge issues COVID Temp Injunction to 35 SEALs

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Link to Temporary Injunction

Here are the religious reasons cited by the plaintiffs.

Problem is non explained why an exemption is requested only for THIS vaccine (i.e. COVID) and how their request does not apply to ALL vaccines and modern medications. It is clear they are trying to abuse the religious exemption process for COVID.

#1 If the above religious claims are true and applied to all vaccines and medications that could conflict with the above - that makes the individual undeployable and endangers unit readiness. A basis for disapprovel.

#2 If the above religiouis claims apply ONLY to the COVID vaccine, then that is an a priori indication that the claims are false since they are attempting to apply it only to the COVID vaccine and not all others vaccines and medications and justifies disapproval.

#3 Just as a side note, I wonder how many of those SEALs have tattoos or have fillings in their teeth and are claiming “belief that modifying one’s body is an affront to the Creator”?

#4 IIRC SEAL teams are based on out Naval Base Coronado (California) and Naval Base Little Creek (just south of where I live in Virginia). So how does this end up being filed in Texas?
No problem with the Temp Injunction while the case is being adjudicated, although it should have been filed in the correct jurisdiction (i.e. where they are stationed), but I think they will loose in the end as a permanent stay to all vaccines and medications make them basically undeployable and unable to fulfill their mission.

Oh and note, my reading indicates this injunction applies only to the 35 plaintiff’s and does not halt actions on others.


It’s a district judge. Appeals will overturn it.


Let this go through the process. Then part ways with these seals.

:rofl::+1:t4: Who’s going to do it, you?

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seals are a type of mammal. These men are SEALs, a very different animal (pun intended).

I have no problem with a detailed review of their claims and an examination of (a) there overall impact on validity or just claims of convenience, (b) how their claims measure against other vaccines and medications, and (c) the impact on unit readiness based on deployability.


No it will not be @Tom_Ch, it will be the courts and their chain of command.


The work.



Those 35 represent 1.5% of all of them, including staff, etc. 1.5% of a group already in short supply.


Thank you.

Although no relevant to he veracity of their claims.


These SEALs didn’t have issues with all the other vaccines they are required to have. I wonder what’s different about this one?

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An important question.

From the injunction, the basis for the religious claims:
(1) opposition to abortion and the use of aborted fetal cell lines in development of the vaccine
(2) belief that modifying one’s body is an afront to the Creator
(3) direct, divine instruction not to receive the vaccine; and
(4) opposition to injecting trace amounts of animal cells into one’s body

None of the claims state WHY the above reasons only apply to the COVID vaccine and not to all other vaccinations, medications or body modifications.

If the above are sincerely held religious beliefs, then such beliefs would apply to all vaccines, medications, and body modifications (including dental work). I make no claims about their beliefs, however a military member not able to receive vaccinations, medications, dental work, or medical attention in case of injury - does impact deplorability and unit readiness.

If the claims are for this vaccine only, then clearly it is an attempt to abuse the religious exemption process.



Whoever is advising the SEALS is a bit naive… stupid actually.

I agree.

I don’t think their arguments against vaccination were well thought out.

If against the COVID vaccine only, then it’s not really a religious belief it’s a medical or anti-mandate belief which is not really religious in nature and demonstrates abuse of the religious exemption.

If against ALL vaccines, medications, or body modifications - I can respect those beliefs - but that makes them undeployable and results in a negative impact on unit readiness.



I wonder if a Sikh seal would refuse to cut hair or Muslim refuse to shave. Will those religious argument be allowed? I don’t think any are valid.

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Exactly. Did they waive their “religious” objections to inoculations when they were originally inducted into the service?

Horse hockey.

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True. However it is a factor to be considered in determining the outcome. That’s two complete platoons.

The fact that these small group SEALs can be easily brainwashed, they need to go.


You can’t wear a diving mask unshaven. SEALs dive.

Not a SEAL, but…

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