Judge closes down female power lifting event because males are not allowed


If you don’t give up on pronouns the negation of women’s sports isn’t gonna be a problem.

Some things should not even be given negative tolerance.

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I don’t understand what this means. I can call people what they want to be called and still support the protection of women’s sports. Two separate issues.

There is also a third issue.
Being required to acknowledge men as women or women as men.

Not in for a penny, not in for a pound.

Who is requiring that you do this?

Colleges, businesses, etc

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I’ve never been “required” to call anyone anything. But if you know of organizations that require specific pronouns you’re uncomfortable with, I guess do business elsewhere? Choose a different college?

I personally have no issue if a grown adult male wants to live life presenting in a feminine persona. It’s a free country. But that does not change the fact that they are a male not a female.

I do not appreciate being pressured by a job, a college, a society and the like to say differently.
I am a woman. I have the genes the DNA to prove it. Wanting to be a woman no more makes you a woman than wanting to be a emu makes you an emu.


I agree completely. As I’ve said in this thread, pronouns do not change biology. But it’s not my job to enforce the rules of nature.

I understand where you’re coming from. Our society is full of pressures to think, behave, talk differently. Luckily this is still a (mostly) free country and we can make our own decisions about who to associate and do business with.

They do.

That’s not true. One issue.

Same issue


No it isn’t.


I’ve demonstrated repeatedly that it’s two separate issues.

You can still choose to associate with who you want to associate. Or do you think the government should step in?

They absolutely do.

That word doesn’t mean what you feel it does.

You’ve claimed it. You’re wrong. You should read some crit theory.

Ridiculous. All women don’t agree on anything.