Judge closes down female power lifting event because males are not allowed

A Minnesota judge issued a ruling last week that blocked USA Powerlifting from hosting tournaments in the state over its decision to prohibit males from competing in the female division.

Absolutely stunning! It actually has taken place.

The first thing coming to my mind was:


So a judge believes males should compete with females in powerlifting to a point he has the judicial power to cancel the event?
Minnesota…… :crazy_face:
So hold the event elsewhere.


Crazy crazy times.

How are we supposed to respect the law with decisions like this?

The destruction of the law is intentional IMO.


Fascinating stuff.

Not long ago the Prime Minister of the UK made the news for agreeing that women didn’t have penises.

When knowing women don’t have male genitalia is news worthy you are living in crazy town.


Unisex athletics is the logical outcome.

Since strength and size are important advantages for the vast majority of events, “real men” will be only ones who will be able to compete.

Women’s sports are effectively over if this ruling stands.

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Well, that judge is definitely for mutilating and manipulating little kids.



Monty Python comedy was not meant to be a How To.

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No doubt a highly educated Briton with a background in anatomy?

Or he was a toddler once and didn’t get mal-educated.

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Its just resting

What an ass. :crazy_face: :upside_down_face: :roll_eyes:

Where’s that one guy who used to catch predators on Prime Time? We could sure use him right about now. :rofl:

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Absolutely true.

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Does this mean the three-legged races at the country fairs are taboo now?

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From the episode about Tourettes … so lots of cussing … be warned … but at least not by Cartman…


He was doing Cameo videos :rofl:

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