Judge Amy Barrett's Confirmation

Common sense gun safety laws?

Extremist ideological judge?

Blumenthal is a DH.

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Crazy Mazie is next after lunch.

yes she is. she pretty much led the attempt to personally destroy Kavanaugh with an assist from the dogma whisperer.


Oh Boy! She’s the absolute pits…or very close to it. :roll_eyes:

Interesting comment from Biden

“The only court packing going on right now is going on with Republicans… It’s not constitutional what they’re doing,” Biden told reporters, arguing the vacancy caused by the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg should not be filled until after November’s presidential election.

Obviously he has no idea what he’s talking about. 47 years.


Trying to hard to remember her folksy joke for the event.

Incoherent…Like we have said all along.

Biden is getting reckless with his falsehoods. The key for the politician is to be savvy about it…plausible.


Kamala will be coming up soon.

And Biden didn’t vote for a single damn one of Bush’s nominees. Or Trump’s… think the last time he did was over thirty years ago. ■■■■ that guy. He’s an ideologue.

Mazie: “Illegitimate process”, no it isn’t.

That’s what I’m figuring.

Joe says you have to wait whether he would stack the court…he’s waiting on if Barrett gets seated. If she isn’t Biden won’t. If she does Biden will.

Bu the truth is…I’m thinking they would anyway.

Libs had that court for 80 years…80 years. They think it’s theirs.


DH= Deranged harpy?

Designated Hater

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Ahh, so all liberal decisions all the time. What tripe.

The “hearing” is a Democrat campaign event. I am certain Kamala has her speech ready to go.

See…right here. He thinks the courts are his…after 80 years.

He claims the court wouldn’t represent Americans. Well the courts didn’t represent America 80 years ago…60 years ago or 40 and 20.

Through those court actions. most cases America was dragged to extreme were are witnessing today.

In Maize’s world, anything where men have a voice is considered an Illegitimate process.

Five of those justices will have been appointed by Presidents who came in second in the popular vote.

Crazy, huh?

The country cannot long endure when consent of the governed becomes quaint.

Well you made a claim that Biden had NEVER voted to confirm a GOP SCOTUS nominee yesterday. That was proven false.

Today you have changed the language, but again you are incorrect. Bush nominated David Souter to the SCOTUS and Biden voted “Yea” to confirm. Biden did vote “nay” on the Clarence Thomas nomination.

I was in for Richards cranium.
