Judge Amy Barrett's Confirmation

Lot of posturing, no questions.

I liked what Cruz said about not promising about a ruling before hearing the case.

There is nothing treasonous about any of it. Please stop.

Abortion is a "critical healthcare decision’???

I thought Cruz was excellent as he usually is.

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pssst, the supreme court doesn’t represent the electorate


God bless Amy Coney Barrett
I long for the days when confirmation was a unanimous decision 98/2
Clearly divided today is the democratic and Republican Party.
Every other senator is positive and optimistic (Republican)
And on the flip, sad,dramatic,complaining, uncaring, anxiety-filled sentiment from(Democrats). Using their time to reprimand Trump, issue with ACA failed WH,
My hope that you (ACB) can come through this hearing with a light heart and the knowledge that millions of Americans are on your side and welcome you to the Supreme Court!

Maybe the next round will be for questioning. I would like to hear Amy speak.


Does Harris have Covid? She’s supposedly participating remotely. Aren’t the two “Republican Senators” who have tested positive able to participate remotely also?

Kamala is confined to the basement and Fienstien is tied up searching for loud dogma.

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questions are tomorrow

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She looks like she has been muzzled with that mask on. Hannibal Lector vibe.

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The dems think the should represent the legislature. Which is why Biden is lying about packing the court.

There is zero chance that they would tell you if she did.

I will say this, Senators of both parties sound much more professional than the yahoos in the House. As it should be.


Is Kamala on this committee?

She may be coming to us from Joe’s basement.

Because if you repeat the lie enough times the sheeple will accept it as the truth!
Or something close to that.

It’s fiddling while Rome burns. That’s treason. It’s pure lying. These partisan hacks are not actually fixing health care

courts don’t reflect the electorate, it would be bad if they did. politicians like roberts and soto do not belong on the bench.

further, no one is packing the court, a normal vacancy is being filled. not getting your way and acting like 2 year olds doesn’t change the definition of things

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I’ve asked you nicely once to stop. Now I’m asking again. That hyperbolic rhetoric serves no purpose and has no place in a civil discussion. There is no treason.

Hypocrite Fraud, pandering to corruption.