John Ratcliffe was confirmed as new director of national intelligence


So meta that the new Chinese propaganda line is to start accusing everyone else of chinese propaganda…

Very much a “ignore the man behind the curtain” moment…

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puhlease :laughing:
Triggered by you?..yeah okay. :rofl:
You guys with all your entitlement issues and privilege give yourselves way too much credit. You all not important enough to trigger anyone. LOL!


The Washington Post published a story stating that a United States Department of Justice investigation into the fund-raising activities had uncovered evidence that agents of China sought to direct contributions from foreign sources to the Democratic National Committee before the 1996 presidential campaign.

Just thought I’d add my 2 cents worth.

Thanks, we got our money’s worth.

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He just named the one he considers the biggest.

You are welcome to name the one you consider second biggest.

Then I can name libberism the third biggest.

So called American liberalism isn’t in the top 10.
You guys are so stuck on the partisan BS in politics and not paying attention of the real threats. People are quick to say, “hey look, it’s the Libs” or “hey look, it’s the Cons”, when it come to the threats to this nation. However, none of that matters.

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Very good. I am happy for you.

You asked why the last two democrat presidential nominees had their nominations withdrawn after they made up things on their resumes and were deemed unqualified by their own party?

Doubt it.

China owned those 2 and Russia owned Hillary(Uranium 1).

No, I asked can the next pick be worse that can guy. The answer was “Yes”.

And a night of sweet, sweet love in the private dacha on the tiger map.

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Except I didn’t say liberalism.

I said libberism.

Big difference.

But I invited you offer your opinion of the biggest threat. I notice your absence of a candidate for the list. :man_shrugging:

Wow…you got me. LOL!

Actually you don’t, but I hope that post made you feel good about yourself. :laughing:

Hmmm…If Biden wins maybe Barr could follow recent precedence and set up a special prosecutor before Biden takes office.

Is that what you believe? My. My.

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Ratcliffe is a great choice and it shows how much Trump has improved in his choice of appointments. If Trump has improved this much in 3 years, I can’t wait to see the next 5.

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Now he needs to appoint General Flynn to head up the FBI. Bet that particular swamp would finally get drained. All Obama appointees would and should be gone.

Myopic nonsense.

China, sure, but Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Iraq, Iran, Ukraine, Russia, etc. Hell, any government that has ever influenced the DC government with a paid lobby should be as closely watched as a mortal enemy.

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Payback time