John Kerry says now we only have 9 Years till Global Warming Kills us All

Haven’t thought about that but timing is about right.

Hmmm…I’m glad you figured it out, being the master scientist and all.

Of course they buy into it…it’s greatest wealth transfer in history.

Those science want to believe…

They taken the wrong fork in the road long time ago. Time to realize that.


Ever seen the recent impact craters in the great lakes and Greenland? They’re about 10-13 thousand years old. :wink:

It’s awesome that you figured it out. You know, did the work to refute AGW. Well done!

No haven’t seen em.

I’m sorry…is there a problem of not able to BS me?

No problem at all. See it here every day.

It’s not hard. Hmmmm…

Well it sure seems to be a problem.

Say it with me…biggest wealth transfer scam in human history.

Two of them are over 18 miles in diameter. The Hiawatha impact would’ve been in the ballpark of a 70+ Gigaton explosion. The world’s combined nuclear arsenals are currently less than 20 gigatons worth.

It never helps to ignore the cosmic neighborhood.

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I use to pay attention to stuff like this years ago when I was looking up.

I think their are far other things to worry about then using fossil fuels.

As they say…it’s only a matter of time.

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If we learned anything from Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, it’s that large comets/asteroids turn into cosmic buck shot when approaching a planet.

Remind us again what your background in science is?
What is the highest level math you’ve taken?
What is your background in statistics?

Not sure earth gravity would have busted up Shoemaker but either way…it would most definitely be extinction level if it had hit earth.

And with all the tech we have…we wouldn’t be able to prevent it.

Who gives a ■■■■■■■■ stop thinking you’re smarter then everyone else.

I’m not. I find myself quite incapable of following the atmospheric science.

But apparently, you and Sneaky can. Just wondering what science background afforded you that level of understanding.

And I know when a poster is compromised by their political bias/agenda.

Yes, we all have political biases.

To the point though, what background has granted you the ability to rebut the science of AGW?

What background…over 4 decades of reading science issues and other things of interest.

And I know propaganda when I see it. The fact that you’re attempting to force your so called science onto society tells me it isn’t science that driving you.

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