Joe Biden Supports 8/10 Years Olds Being Able To Change Their Gender

Asked and answered.

I’m sure you don’t.

So if a young female wants to dress like a boy and be called Bobby… what should the response be?

No it wasn’t. You told me what he said.
Now, what part did you disagree with?

Biden did not say he supported them have gender reconstruction surgery at that age (nor was he asked. Because that’s not a thing that happens).

So you are against that, as most people are.

So what part of Bidens answer did you not agree with? The no discrimination part?

There is a pro discrimination against trans children movement now?


Not what I was attempting to imply, but I could have been more specific.

They explore their curiosity at a young age by communicating their feelings and opening up a dialogue with their parents. Hopefully, their parents can handle the situation with maturity by answering questions they have about why they may feel the way they do.

We used to call that being a “Tomboy”.

It doesn’t mean a girl wants to be a boy.

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If a young male wants to dress as a girl and be called Bobbi… what should the response be?

Do you have a link to this story?

Yes. It was. You just don’t like the answer.

Are you OK?

I will concede some ground. There are people who would like access to sex change procedures for young children. A non vocal minority want this, and I feel it will slide to becoming more popular in time.

Is there?

Biden said that a trans child should not be discriminated against.

I do not see how that is controversial.

You responded that you are sure that I don’t.

So… what is controversial in saying that a trans child should not have to face discrimination?

Apologize. Missed that answer…
Ok… you are just mistaken.

Rest assured, Biden, nor anyone really, suport gender reconstruction surgery at age 8 or 10. No dr will do it in the US, it’s not approved electives surgery at that age, and I know of no court case to try to change that.

So I’m sure you agree that is good news.

Hopefully. What if they don’t?

Acceptance is the first step down a slippery slope

At least as often as they would Twitter! :slight_smile:

Should be?

Who determines what a response should be?

Back to Biden.

I want to know why you think this is the government’s problem and not something for parents to deal with.