Joe Biden Platform? Endorses Healthcare For Non Citizens, Relaunching DACA and Reparations

Biden copies what he thinks will sell. Soon, I bet, he’ll be copying Trump’s speeches. If we dont hear at least two “believe me” 's coming from Biden by November, I’ll…

There will be DNA tests. Sub Saharan Africans will win the lottery. I suspect that in Biden"s basement you can hear the phrase “one drop” mentioned.

I had my DNA analyzed couple years ago and turns out I have 3% of my DNA is African! No surprise, my Italian grandparents are “Southern Italian”, least that’s what was written in the “race” column in their immigration papers at Ellis Island. “Southern Italians” were discriminated against in Italy and here in America. They were lynched and considered “inferiore”.
So where do I get my check?

The largest mass lynching ever in the united states was of Italians in New Orleans, March 4, 1891.

You get extra victimization points for their suffering. It no doubt held you and your family back. You are lucky you can string a sentence together … I mean with all the trauma you must have been subjected to, education must have been difficult.

He copied Trump by saying it first?

This can’t be right… I was told that Biden platform was plagiarized from Trump’s.

Traumatized, yeah that’s the ticket!

From your own source Biden is quoted as saying “Don’t defund police”

Especially at night when he is hanging upside down from his basement ceiling next to his child concubines.

What the hell do I care what you think of how I talk? Hint: I don’t

Remember that the next time you accuse a conservative of taking marching orders from talk radio or the CEC (whatever the hell that is.)… hypocracy on steroids.

This is the funny thing. You are saying nonsense like “Liberal masters” when it is pointed out that the bipartisan deal that Trump blew up in 2018 had funding for border security that was in line with executive budget requests from 2017.

Somehow fulfilling that request… a request that the Trump administration put out there is hardly funding the wall.

The reason why the deal was blown to hell had nothing to do with wall funding but with the highly xenophobic ■■■■■■■■■ countries” kerfuffle.

Now, a year and a half later with a national emergency declared to shift funding around… why constitutionalists put up with that is beyond me… and hardly any new wall built the President turns around after losing a Supreme Court case and declares he is going to sign an executive order that gives a path to citizenship to the Dreamers… the very complaint that he has been fighting against his entire term.

All of this could have been hashed out nearly two years ago and everyone would have gotten basically what they wanted and when this is pointed out the only response is “liberal masters”

It is hilarious dude.

Don’t change.

Repeating catchy sound bites is a lot easier than refuting substantive posts like that

It’s crazy how often we are debating reality these days. Trump and the Democrats tried to make a deal that was saving the DACA participants in exchange for funding for Trump’s wall. That really happened. Border wall Dreamers deal implodes - POLITICO

LOL… I guess disingenuousness is the word for today when it comes to lib posts.

2017 was the Obamassiahs last budget. HELL NO. The “deal” your pushing had token funding, HELL NO. I know your liberal masters lied to you about it, its okay.

The way it went down was that Congress net the budget requests and the master negotiator tried to get more out of them without offering anything back.

He lost that fight.

Then he shut the government down when the GOP was in control.

That is the thing that is the most hilarious.

He couldn’t get this deal done when the GOP controlled the government… now he is capitulating for free on DACA.

When he had all the cards he failed… now he has nothing in his hand but an off suit 2 &4.

I can’t believe that supporters put up with this failure.

We’re in this mess because THEY were the ones that got political?!

The deal had only Token funding for the wall. That’s all the Senate would allow (60 votes needed). Trump was right to turn it down. And he won’t be doing DACA for free either. But you go on with the narrative.

Healthcare should be a terribly tough political sell during or in the aftermath of a pandemic. What foolishness.

He said that he is signing an executive order about DACA.

He had funding for the wall.

He has negotiated himself into a corner.

Amazed that the supporters put up with it.

The democrats and Biden in this year’s election will be pushing heavily for reparations. I know for one thing that one of the debates if CNN has it they wont mention it at all.

If Fox News hosts the debate they problary might.This reparations is very liked by weird liberals who are into stuff things.