Joe Biden Leading in the Polls Really?


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Welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy your time here.
Of course the virus and it’s results were not Trump’s fault. But it is now the problem that he must help fix.
And what is he doing to help us fix it? As far as I can see he is still on the “it will simply go away” line.
He is wishing it go away so he can get re-elected. And that is because he doesn’t know how to govern.
Look at his VP today:

Vice President Pence urged GOP senators on Wednesday to focus on “encouraging signs” despite a recent spike in coronavirus

Certainly what happened to Floyd is tragic. And you are correct that it isn’t Trump’s fault. But what has he had to say about it? This was a time for him to help bring us together. A time for empathy. And we got none. Because that is how he rolls. And don’t worry about the green new deal. Like health care for all it is a program that is so massive that in it’s current form would never pass the Congress.

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So, @Hawk92, what you’re trying to tell us is that… Biden bad, but Trump good?

Aye there’s the rub; people do remember 2016.

…and you’re still eating and regurgibleeting this even after being fed the same thing in 2016. :sunglasses:

Indeed. A lot of people remember what Trump said right after the primaries too and has still failed to deliver on. Tax returns. A better alternative to the ACA. More jobs coming back from overseas. Not being just another politician. Draining the swamp. Hard to keep track of them all honestly.

There are also plenty of people who remember he was promising to eliminate tax loopholes for the wealthy before proceeding with the biggest giveaway to the wealthy in nearly a century. He’s also been gutting numerous regulations protecting the environment, workers, and consumers since taking office as well as the very agencies set up to handle the current pandemic which he has also failed miserably on. He has also taken the crown for most divisive leader from his predecessor. But hey, he got Mexico to pay for that wall. Oh wait.

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The acolytes will not sever their connection to Trump. However, the sum total of those acolytes will not he enough on their own to win the election for Trump. Trump’s inept handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, his appalling lack of empathy and total disrespect for the office of the president of the USA will not be forgotten when people cast their vote in 2020.

You can also look to his appointments as another failure. An ex lobbyist for Comcast as head of the FCC. Now he’s looking to appoint someone with no prosecutorial experience as IG for SDNY. It’s not exactly a mystery why either. Nothing like electing a “businessman” to the Oval Office and seeing crony capitalism in action. November can’t come soon enough.

Yeah…allowing Governors to each handle their own state wasn’t the best idea when you consider Cuomo and Murphy. If libs hadn’t promoted gathering together and putting sick patients into nursing homes, infecting and killing thousands, just consider all the lives that could have been saved?

States rights only matter for causes the right is behind, otherwise it’s the good old Supremacy clause all the way. Who needs limited government anyway? :roll_eyes:


D Trump could have organised a national committee with all states’ and territories’ governors to coordinate a national coordinated approach for the purposes of purchasing ventilators and PPE. A national committee would have been able to provide a coordinated approach to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Such an approach occurred elsewhere in the world that has allowed far better outcomes to those currently in the USA. Trump could have provided leadership by following the advice of health care professionals for wearing face masks and social distancing.

But you forget. Trump knows more than his experts on nearly every subject. Just ask him and he’ll tell you. Hell, he’ll tell you even if you never ask.

So you agree Trump handled it the legal way by giving Governor’s the control over their states? That means then that Trump is not to blame in any way? It’s entirely on the governors. Thanks. :sunglasses:

Nobody was ever short on ventilators or anything else and Trump did get factories to convert their manufacturing to producing more equipment, just in case? Bam…you lose again. :sunglasses:

I keep hearing this talking point but as I recall NYS was following protocol that was established by the federal government.

Still I agree that was not a good idea.

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Here we go. The False Prophets cometh.

…according to Cuomo. He also said he didn’t have enough ventilators too…and that was also a lie.

It’s Russian collusion all over again and the sheople are still eating…having not learned a damn thing…even after YEARS of regurgibleeting that bull feces. I hear a song…“when will they ever learn? When willllll they evvvvvvvvver learn”? :sunglasses:

Yeah, but they’re not flowers that have gone. They’re something else and they’re still here…

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Is this good or bad for Trump? I can’t tell.

Link to article about the polls: