Jewish Democratic group pushes Israel not to ban Omar, Tlaib

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An American President calling two duly elected US representatives anti-semites. How in the ■■■■ did we get to this point?

Is this one of those seriously or litteraly comments we are supposed to not pay attention to because he’s making it rain in the stock market…

I’m a lefty who’s been in the ‘don’t impeach’ camp because of political fallout. But saying the US Congresswomen ‘hate Israel and all Jews’ shows the man is the worst type of human being. So defensive, vindictive and desperate to divide that he makes such ludicrous statements. Just to feel good about himself.

Dems should throw caution to the wind and impeach. Unfit.


100% yes.

Her hatred and antisemitism comes through loud and clear.

That site is right wing propaganda

You think!? As the old saying goes. :+1:

False context. This remark had nothing whatsoever to do with Jewish voters. She was talking about politicians’ support of Israel- and you’d better believe a lot of them do it for the money AIPAC showers on them. Like the NRA, AIPAC is a lobby, and they pay off politicians who support them.

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just more antisemitism coming from renowned anti-semite organization backing obvious antisemite congresswomen


I agree.

Too many people make that mistake.

In the same way that being against ILLEGAL immigration isn’t anti-“brown” people, yet we get that accusation all the time.

I admit I hadn’t been keeping up on this, but I’m disappointed (but not surprised) that Trump doesn’t want them allowed into Israel.

If Israel is treating people fairly and has nothing to hide, let 'em in!

Just like we need more transparency with the detention centers at the border. If there’s nothing to hide, let policitians in to see what’s going on.

Netanyahu and Trump should be supportive of Tlaib and Omar’s visit. How else can the Congresswomen experience what a wonderful country Israel is, and see for themselves that even there, there are diverse opinions about the Israeli-Palestinian relationship.

what would AJC know…


Well… that’s open to discussion. Netanyahu is doing his best to make certain that peace will be hard to come by.

Trump’s 2020 campaign plan.
Alienate the Black vote = check.
Alienate the Latino vote = check.
Alienate the Jewish vote = check.

Who do you think will be next?

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Alienate the women vote= check.

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AIPAC supporting the congresswomen. Politics really does make for strange bedfellows.

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No one is stupid… The sane people see Trump is trying to pit these Muslims women vs all Jewish people. It’s pathetic but some of his followers are slurping up the hate slushie

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Look at the Labour Party in Britain it’s a mess of antisemitism it’s we’re we are headed. From the far right fringe to the far left neither group likes them.