Jesus liked slavery. Does our inherent desire to be slaves indicate that slavery should be legal?
Be it the imaginary Abrahamic gods, — regardless of their ongoing wars, — or the Eastern knowledge and wisdom seeking religions and their gods, — gods being defied as a thinking system, — just as all political ideologies are, — most advocate slavery. All political and religious ideologies promote slavery of some type. It is a tribal must do.
That inherent slavish desire is generated from our tribal natures and we should follow our instincts. Our tribal nature might be better described these days as more — groopish or hivish, — than tribal, as shown by the huge carbon foot-print our city states create.
Demographically speaking, slavery to some degree is imposed on all people, from the lowest of us to the highest slaves among us. Jesus seems to have agreed that all belong to a guild, even slaves. Their social economic demographic position was by guild.
If illegal, slaves, — the real slaves, — the ones we think of when we usually use the word slave these days, — cannot be protected if outside of the law. They can be protected if legal status and responsibility is given to slave and their owners.
Think in terms of how we might have protected the Irish that were forced to work harder than slaves and dies much sooner, when masters protected their slaves/investments. If you do, you might think of present and real slaves as Irish and hope to protect them in these days.
I think that we are all slaves in fact, if not in admission. You might not be able to see yourself that way but if you can think demographically, you will.
At present, the rich are murdering the poorest of us; just as they did in the past, by imposing poverty.
As a high class slave, I feel it to be my duty to share the protections I gain from being an anonymous slave for my government and oligarch owner, and it is my wish that all people should share in those protections. Even the real slaves.
Global climate change will create a lot more lower class slaves. It might be you or I. I think it might be good to set the levels of slave abuse. This can only happen in an open and legal slave owning world the way it was in Jesus’ day.
I think justice demands that we legalize slavery just as Jesus did and give all slaves the protection and rules that society owes them/us. Do you?