Jersey is going to reinstutite the individual mandate statewide

I have only lived here for 58 years out of the 61 that I lived on the planet earth.

Most of jersey is barrens or swamps. with a few small farms.

The hill country of sussex, No farms in Essex or Union.

No farms in the swamps or barrens.

a whole 9,000 farms

now compare our next door neighbor PA and its 58,000 farms


That explains your limited knowledge concerning people, you haven’t gotten out and work, walked or drink with p other people from other nations in their own environment.

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and you have LOL.


I grow up in center of PA, where three different nations come together.

Over the years I’ve lived in Deep South, Midlands, Yankeesom, Far West, Greater Appalachia, South Florida which isn’t named and now residing in North West.

1956? I went to high school in South Orange (Columbia High) in the 80s. I am well aware of the nice areas of South Orange, but Seton Hall is not in one of them. It’s all the way down South Orange ave, I’ve been there many times. The surrounding area is a dump!

If number of farms is required to make a place rural then I concede there are no longer any rural places in NJ.

The “swamp” and"pine barrens" you describe are nothing more or less rural or nature than S. Georgia, most of Florida, Mississippi or Louisiana, the tundra and pine barrens of Canada, Norway and Alaska.


So are deserts.

Just because an area doesn’t fit some surburbaites postage stamp notion of “what nature really is” doesn’t make it wasteland.

That said it remians true that NJ politics are NYC politics because 40-plus percent of NJ residents live in the tiny sliver of post-industrial wasteland that us suburban NY.

Oh, and I’ve lived 51 years in almost every mid Atlantic state, and am currently considering a move to S Jersey. I think I have a pretty good idea where New Jersey fits into the overall picture than someone who never left the state. :smiley:

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You believe the nation crap. what a bunch of hogwash.

we are one nation. Indivisible.

everyone is american and spends greenbacks.

People mostly move around for economic reasons, which is why a lot of people end up in the met area.


We are very diverse country…one that you have no understanding unless you see it, feel it for yourself.

You have commitment issues.

That’s hilarious.

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I never thought the swamps of jersey as rural.

I see them for what they are swamps.

Its like calling the meadowlands “rural”

just one big swamp.

But I have done research and rural is a very vague term.

so perhaps we are both right depending on various definitions of rural.


hilarious and also true.

You believe differently.

Just a mere difference in opinions.


You done research on rural?

Wow man you did research on rural places. That makes you an expert in those matters.

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He probably googled and is now an “expert”. LOL

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LOL. I know how to read and according to what I read the term Rural is vague.

Perhaps you would care to enlighten the community with your acumen on the subject.


I’ll do one better. Go see it for yourself. Get out there and walk among them, work among them. drink a beer with em.

Who knows…it may even open your eyes to alternative lifestyle.

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I do know something about it as I was raised on a farm and have spent most of my life in rural areas.

It would be hard to decide where to start with one who has never ever lived in rural areas however.

One of the most noticeable differences would be that as a rule rural folks are a heck of a lot friendlier than say New Yorkers.

Folks wave to each other when they pass in cars, speak in a friendly manner when they meet even if they don’t know each other.

Folks seem to be better grounded as to what is truly important as compared to just loving “stuff”.

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Don’t do it. Lived on the east coast for over forty years, moved to the midwest a decade ago and would never consider going back there to live for one second. Only thing I miss are the cheesesteaks and italian subs.

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Oh man…that’s about only good thing about NE.

But there are few good Italian restaurants in Ohio. :wink:

Let me guess: Any individual plan purchased must have coverage for both sexes to get paps and mammograms; pediatric dental exams for children under 12, regardless if there are even any kids in the household; and maternity care. Those opting for a very Spartan high deductible, catastrophic type plan will be shot in the wallet with that $1,000 fine, whether or not they can afford to pay it.