Jerome Corsi sues Mueller, Justice, CIA, FBI, NSA for $350 million

According to the FISA warrant they are not criminals… only Comey, and Obama
It’s coming… you guys are messing with the wrong people… look what we did to you in the civil war… we destroyed your ideology

I dont even have the slightest what you are talking about? Who is we

According to Meuller, he deleted a lot of emails. Including those he sent to Stone.

Between approximately January 13, 2017 and March 1, 2017, CORSI deleted from his computer all email correspondence that predated October 11, 2016, including Person 1’s email instructing CORSI to “get to [the founder of Organization 1]” and CORSI’s subsequent forwarding of that email to the overseas individual.

I thought Cohen would prove collusion with Russia?.. Nope. Nothing Burger…LMAO!

Trump is Cool…