Jennifer Crumbley found guilty for her son's actions related to school shooting

That is a weird and arbitrary distinction to make in my opinion.

No right is absolute. They all have restrictions. Like freedom of speech is not absolute because we don’t protect fighting words or inducing panic.

Why is it your business what I carry in public? Do I say anything about your ugly purse or that water bottle your sucking on?


Other than people, who/what makes up a militia?

Violations of the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution


Educate yourself

Based on? You do realize they are two separate things?

The 2nd is. Read it.

Take that up with the various militaries of the past 500 years. They determined there was a difference.

There is a huge difference.

Name 5 federal gun laws before 1930.

Name 5 before 1968.

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It just seems weird to me that the founders would allow for firearms for the support of the well regulated militia but be concerned with explosives.

They weren’t. Cannons are still legal.

The difference is discretion.

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It was a compromise, badly written amendment to get the some in the south to ratify the constitution.

Hogwash. That’s not remotely true. In fact it’s a lie.



Not a water drinker…And I prefer a handbag…:+1:

Who turned around and ignored it and kept their free blacks from enjoying their own rights.

Funny isn’t it? Why you want to be like those people?

You want a cannon, go for it.

I’m talking about the ideological aspect. Not the practical aspect.

The difference is practical.

i think you misunderstand my stance. I have no issues with people owning guns. I just think there needs to be common sense laws for public safety. The idea we are still in the wild wild west or some 3rd world country with no effective protective services is BS.

“The Wild West” ended all on its own long before gun laws of any sort.