Jennifer Crumbley found guilty for her son's actions related to school shooting

Probably a "Knock, announce your intent, and wait until you hear “come in” before entering" sign on his door. :wink:

Who cares what you think. 27 States have permitless “Constitutional” carry laws. That is a majority of States.


He knows. He has been schooled in this many times in this Forum.

Not true. Sentencing under Due Process can have lifetime consequences beyond prison time, including permanent loss of some rights. That’s not to say it makes sense (which your comment does,) but it is Constitutional.

Well, I can see where people who would do you harm might find it ridiculous. :wink:

You are wrong. Millions of people questioned them, but it’s far from a simple matter to challenge them in Court.

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There is nothing weird or arbitrary about it. The distinction between ordnance and arms has been around for many centuries. As usual, your opinion sucks. (“Fighting words” … :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: )

Both the First and Second Amendments are absolute (“make no law abridging” and “shall not infringe” are precisely clear.) What neither the 1st or 2nd Amendment do is absolve you of responsibility if you do harm with your speech or arm.

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You are headed down the wrong path. The militia can only exist because the people it relies on have the Right to keep and bear arms.

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Why are you confused? The Bill of Rights are restrictions on Government power. By saying nothing about explosives, they allow the government to regulate them as much as they want to.

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That poster insists there are only 11, the poster is incorrect.

Its an anonymous internet political.discussion board…Who really cares what ANYONE thinks here.

I’m not able to post links yet, or I would provide you proof you could read for yourself.

Your confusion is total. Nothing about the 2nd was a compromise to gain support from any State. The compromise to appease the South was about counting slaves as 2/3 of a person for purposes of representation rather than not counting them at all because they weren’t actually going to be represented at all.

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Yep. The first gun laws on the books were passed in an attempt to keeps black people unarmed.

When you can define common sense to everyone’s satisfaction, we can talk.

But what do you mean by “protective services”? Are you suggesting a Police State?

Did I say that he just snapped? His poor mother was trying desperately to connect with him, Her enjoyment of shooting sports was something she tried to share with him. But she still kept her guns lacked up and still you want to blame her for letting him kill those kids. :smirk:

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No … sensitive area is purely a prog thing.

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It doesn’t matter what he insisted. You insisted that “more than half” of the States had safe gun storage laws. That is wrong … just as @Oldandtired said.

Then why do you take this discussion so seriously?

Well, that isn’t true