(Jan 5) Latest Jobs Report: Two-thirds of new jobs in 2023 went to persons born abroad

When you jumped on the bandwagon.

What do you want to do to them?

What? What are you talking about?


In order to apply for an EAD with a pending application, you will need to have been waiting 150 days or more with no initial decision on your application from the asylum office or from the immigration court. (The time period was changed to 365 days during the Trump Administration, but the Biden Administration has reversed that.)

I think it should be less.

A fine.

You don’t want people who hire undocumented workers to face repercussions because the good book tells us to treat foreigners as our own.

So no. Not without applying and with special permission.

Yeah, I knew that.

You know who can work? DACA.

Ah, so you want to break them and shut their businesses down. Now how many do we have not making a living?

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Among us

Don’t put words in my mouth. If I wanted to break them and put them out of business, I would have said that.

What is your solution? You seem to want to let undocumented workers work, and you don’t want to penalize those that hire them.

So…what would you like to do?

The folks in the tents are among us.

What do you think those fines do? The intent of them?

Among us

Yes, they are. Thank to Brandon and the Sanctuary Signalers.

Were the kids asked?

Who cleaned the school?

Not interested in repetitive cryptic nonsense. Speak plainly, or I’ll say good night.

That is plain.


No it’s not.


Very plain. Perhaps if you meditate on it. You know, like a koan.

simply not true.

immigration slows rapidly when unemployment is high.

how many people were seeking asylum at the height of COVID?


It is true. They are not Mexicans.

Go look at what they are running from.

look at the figures and get back to me.


What figures? What on earth are you talking about?