(Jan 5) Latest Jobs Report: Two-thirds of new jobs in 2023 went to persons born abroad

Wiping someone’s ass is a skill? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I figured that’s where it was headed.

You don’t know what hhas do. It’s not unskilled.

Does it make someone feel better talking down to people who take care of the elderly and the disabled in this way?

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I’m not taking anyone down regarding what jobs they do. I’m challenging the notion that healthcare/homecare aides fall under the spectrum of “skilled” labor.

Of course they do. They go through licensing exams. You really really don’t know.

You feel corporations are hiring them?

In what kind of restaurants?

Depends on the employer, specifics of the position, and the requirements of the particular state their in. There are specific definitions employers use for positions, such as labor “that require little to no experience or education to perform basic work tasks” or requires only a “month or less” of training. Positions that involve “routine duties such as operating simple machinery, performing repetitive tasks, or following basic procedures.” These types of jobs are also “characterized by their lack of requirement for prior skills or qualifications and typically offer lower pay compared to roles requiring more training and education.” But look there’s some grey area here and if want to view such positions as “skilled” that’s your prerogative, I disagree.

Not chains. Locally owned places.

And HHAs don’t fall into that category. You can disagree but before you do, you need to look into it

There is no such thing as unskilled healthcare jobs

You are saying that only because there was a spike in healthcare jobs in job reports.

It’s purposeful.

And restaurant jobs and hotel jobs.

The folks whose mortgage payments got cut in half are not saving more than they used to, but travel and dining out are surging.

Meanwhile, not coincidentally the southern border is flooded with law-breaking migrants and an astronomical percent of new jobs are going to “persons born abroad.”

Pretending you don’t see it doesn’t make it so.

Astronomical :joy:

The proportional increase in those jobs to foreign born isn’t astronomical.

You continue to misuse numbers. Like 66 of 13 etc. why? What is the point?

Using hyperbolic adjectives doesn’t make thee actual increases any bigger b just makes it more emotional

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Ok, and who owns those places?

Hmm…I can’t really remember.

The one I worked at the most, I reported to the manager, but I probably met the ower.

Another one I remember the owner, but couldn’t tell you his name.

What are you getting at?

They work for or with their cousins, brothers-in-law, etc. Or criminals.

You can’t invite 2 million men a year in here, then deny them a means to make a living. That’s beyond cruel.

Now you want to put their legal friends in jail for letting them earn one?

The Good Book tells us we are obligated to treat the foreigners among us as we treat our own.

Don’t want them working? Don’t let them in among us.

And if they aren’t illegals, why is it illegal to hire them on this side of the river?

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Fair point. But if you don’t want people trying to cross the river, if their cousin in the kitchen is afraid fo paying the price, maybe he won’t call down to mexico to tell cuz how to come over…

Unless they need find shelter ahead of a storm evidently.

Are you refering to migrants here waiting for their asylum hearings? they are here legally.

So your argument is to allow undocumented migrants to work - should they be given green cards? Sounds a little like amnesty.

  1. Already been tried and failed miserably.
  2. They will come even if there are no jobs. It’s better to be poor in the US than any other place in the world. You should go look at what they’re leaving.
  3. Put the legals in prison for helping family? What’s wrong with you?

Who cleaned the school?

No. I’m saying you don’t get to put people who hire them in prison for working them. You don’t want them hired, don’t invite them among us.

If they aren’t illegal, why is it illegal to hire them?

Charity is voluntary. Can you not understand that?

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There is a difference between people waiting for their hearing and people who have not asked for asylum. A legal difference I mean.

Where did I say we should throw them in jail?

Yet you want immigration law to follow the good book…

Are people waiting for asylum hearings allowed to work?