(Jan 5) Latest Jobs Report: Two-thirds of new jobs in 2023 went to persons born abroad

Fixed it. Yes moderate inflation.

Define “moderate” and what inflation numbers are you claiming?

Look it up yourself buddy.

I know it ain’t the grocery store.

I’m not your buddy.

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I made no inferences.

I asked questions.
You made inferences from my questions.

According to the latest Jobs Report (Jan 5): Two-thirds of new jobs in 2023 went to persons born abroad.

New Question:
Do you believe Joe Biden’s BLS lied when they reported that number?

I just can’t believe that there have been that many sex change operations

That is an inference.

I don’t dispute your fact, but it is meaningless in its importance and relevance given that we are at full employment.

Your question is silly.

Biden’s economy…

Strong and consistent GDP Growth
Historically low unemployment
Massive wage growth
Markets at all time highs
Moderate inflation

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3.1% for 2023.


The president doesn’t = the economy.

I’m guessing he would around here if the economy was in the tank.

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Yeah…what was that?

Keep reading :blush:

Certainly it is common for people to give credit/blame for the economy to the president.
Certainly he and his polices have a significant impact.

But the more I study economics the more I find things like the Fed and “exogenous” shocks (COVID, 9-11, birth of the Internet etc.) are greater factors.

If I seem to be blaming Pres. Biden for stuff, well sometimes I am, more often I am saying either
“He didn’t do that. The Fed did.”
“If Dems told the truth about the economy no one would support their agenda.”

Yeah. They update the numbers every month. I’m sure you’re aware of this.

Just because someone is foreign born doesn’t mean they are here illegally.

That’s true. But also looks like the IRS needs more funds to crack down on employers who do hire illegals. So I assume everyone here is fine with the IRS hiring more people right? I mean, no one here or in congress threw a complete hissy fit about funding for the IRS right?


And that’s what Joe Biden wants to do with them, right?
He hired all those new IRS agents to crack down on illegals working illegally and the people who illegally hire them.

That’s right! Why didn’t I think of that?

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You think the Biden admin would crack down on hiring illegals? …Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha…woo hoo ahahahahahahahaha… woo hoo… woohoo…SwoooooH…!

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And the media runs with the purposeful overstating and hides the revisions.