(Jan 5) Latest Jobs Report: Two-thirds of new jobs in 2023 went to persons born abroad

Nope that’s not it. Go back further

The spike becomes more and more and more evident as you trace it back just a few years.

Our esteemed host was saying on the radio yesterday that full time jobs dropped by 1.5 million last year.

That most of the so called new jobs were part time.

The MSM will never report that.

Oh you mean in September when I wrote this?

You posted this before but missed the obvious

Oh yeah.
Under Trump (during COVID) a bunch of people, foreigners included lost their jobs.

I previously said:
"Latest Jobs Report: Two-thirds of new jobs in 2023 went to persons born abroad "

In light of this new information what I should have said was:
"Latest Jobs Report: Two-thirds of new jobs in 2023 went to persons born abroad "

I am glad he is on it.
An improving economy should not me "Everything stayed the same for us or got a little worse, butt estate-master hired some new guy and gave him a job.

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A lot of people lost their jobs in 2020. You zero in on small sets of numbers and completely ignore the big picture but that’s not important right now. That’s never actually going to change.

What you are actually missing from the chart besides the number continuously growing even under Trump is that the number has grown faster under Biden

So your underlying thesis is correct even if you can’t see it.

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My underlying thesis is that a flood of criminals at the southern border is increasing labor supply in unhealthy ways and thus keeping wages down.

If we must get down into a president vs president comparison (which was not my intention) then I would guess the policies of the build-a-wall president are superior to the president who constantly sues to have walls and barriers taken down, then mobilized the TX national Guard so Gov Abbott could not) and instructed them to cut wires and give fist-bumps to the incoming criminals.

If they are effecting salary then The “criminals” are coming here to work. I don’t begrudge you your feelings about wanting Americans to earn more. I get it.

President Trump stopped illegal immigration without building the wall by the way but you said policies so you are not wrong there. I have issues with policies that he started applying to legal immigration and Steven Miller but that’s for another thread.

What’s happening at the border is a travesty and it’s somewhat reflected in the numbers that you are using but the truth is again that the numbers always grew but they are just growing much faster now.

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Part time is better than no time… a job is a job.

He stopped it several ways. The main one was simply the president giving the order (under Title 42) “Don’t let them in.”

If we insist on this presidential comparison (not my point in this thread) then we must do so in light of rock-solid proof that this can stop via a simple presidential order.

Yes that’s why Biden didn’t immediately rescind title 42. I don’t disagree.

I am sorry for bringing Trump into this. Wasn’t my intention. Was just trying to use the chart you posted for ease

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H1B visa registrations way up.



The number of full time employees in the US grew 2.5 million from November 2022 to November 2023, so I don’t know what you are talking about.

Wage growth has been historically phenomenal for more than 2 years and has outpaced inflation for the last year.

We are at full employment. You hypotheses are just a cynical way to try to downplay the strength in the economy under this President.

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I am talking abour this:
The exact numbers released by BLS on Jan 5. (That’s why I mentioned exactly those things in the tread tropic.)

What are you saying ?
I misquoted them?
The Biden BLS is a bunch of antiBiden liars?

If you don’t know what I am talking about why not try to figure it out before declaring me wrong and starting a fight?

We are at full employment and you are making massive inferences from small numbers to support your hypothesis.

A flood of criminals increasing the labor supply in unhealthy ways keeping wages down?




Strong and consistent GDP Growth
Historically low unemployment
Massive wage growth
Markets at all time highs
Moderate inflation

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