Ivy League and Antisemitism

Dems states spend more per student that any country on earth and get really bad results. Do you think the dems are getting good results or something?

I think we need to make the schools great again too.

Red states get even poorer results…

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On[quote=“PurpnGold, post:44, topic:245727, full:true”]

Red states get even poorer results…

Where did you hear that? I’m sure who ever said that is not using math and reading as criteria…


Where did you hear that? I’m sure who ever said that is not using math and reading as criteria…


I’ll source my chart. Notice anything about the bottom 10?

First, this seems like an odd response to the intent of my post. @WuWei made a claim. I then pasted his post from another thread to show, in fact, he was making those complaints recently.

But I’ll play because I don’t really view education through a red/blue lens, but when you’re a hyper-partisan I suppose everything is viewed in that manner.

I figured you’re probably right on the funding in blue States because it just stands to reason given population sizes, economic performance, etc. And hey, you are! :smiley: But as for performance, I didn’t really buy into that. Turns out that was for a reason…

Here’s a 2008 study that examines that very subject: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED503486.pdf

But this site is very useful. You can look at performance by State across a long list of different metrics. You’ll see the blue States do out perform red States. States Ranked by Education - 2023 Rankings | Scholaroo It’s a great site.

Now, I’m not defending the quality of education across the board, it certainly needs to improve. So on that, I think we agree :wink:

Well that was put much more succinctly. lol

Well, that picture you provided is only for Math, not reading. Secondly, I believe that only reflects SAT scores and doesn’t really examine a broad range of performance by grade level. Lastly, you’re gonna be a little disappointed when you look at what color States make up the bottom 10 of that list :wink:

Don’t worry, Oregon will lead the charge for all the blue states.


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I don’t know all the details of this, heard a small portion on NPR the other morning driving to work, but this definitely needs to be addressed.

My oldest son graduated from HS about 5 years ago. At the time, we lived in a great community but the approach to certain things there were just entirely misguided, mush like this. His class consisted of very privileged students and then a lot of students far less privileged. Those belonging in the latter camp were often working after school to help with family income and for that reason (and understandably) not always able to keep with school work as they should leading to lower scores. The resolution to this was to eliminate the policy of teachers scoring 0’s. If a kid decided to not participate whatsoever in an exercise, they still got a 30%. SMH. Not a 0 like in my days, and like it should be, but a 30%. Many of us couldn’t even understand because whether it’s 0 or 30%, you’re still failing. The point though was that it never resolved anything, but I guess it made people in the district feel better? Who knows, but it was an idiotic policy and I join you in condemning these senseless acts that do nothing to resolve the issue of our current state of education failing far too many students.

Recently what?


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The posts are clear.

The demographic is whether the state is blue or red.

Oh no! You know the demographics

Are they? Well they’re wrong.

Yes, K-12 students. That is what is measured in that link.

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The really cool thing about those places is they are gov bureaucrat factories. Especially Harvard and Yale.

You really have to admire the work the crits did on the strategy.

When someone says they are not for Making America Great Again then I have to wonder about what sort of fake news propaganda they have allowed to twist their thinking

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Do you? Do you really?

I do, really. As for you, your covers are pulled. Marxist bot