What is it with these places? Why is there hardly any condemnation of Hamas, while the Palestinian students and groups are being coddled and their behavior encouraged in these environments?
At Columbia there’s a professor speaking who was “exhilarated” watching the attacks on Israel (and US citizens dying).
There are lukewarm responses to the attacks, especially Penn and Harvard, and in those statements they were “concerned about the violence on both sides.” Only after donors started raising a ■■■■ fit did they even release statements worthy of a little recognition. CYA.
What’s going on? Do they just not want Jewish students there?
I heard about the Columbia Prof. letter this AM, and just read it - it’s ■■■■■■ up.
I understand the concern over the treatment of Palistinians prior to 10/7, but that letter, and the pro Hamas groups…nope. That’s flat out anti-semitism in my opinion.
These professors, groups, etc… nothing will happen to them. They’re free to engage in their hate. And very few on the left call them out for it.
That’s reserved for white supremecists, apparently.
Look how many times those on the right were shut down when invited to speak at a university.
And look at the reaction to these professors, Palestinian groups… they’re never shut down, never punished, and it’s all under the guise of free expression. Which apparently only works one way.
Well, nothing wrong with calling out white supremacists.
This columbia stuff is pretty obvious. But other ‘pro palistine’ rallies are more nuanced. I think it’s fair to stand up for the palistinian people - they have been abused by both sides. But Hama - no, ■■■■ that. Of course, ■■■■ that.
Isn’t it interesting how adept the left is at pointing out the perceived hatred it sees in others but they seem to ignore and in fact promote their own hatred.
I agree. Its insane how much antisemitism there is out there. I honestly do not understand it.
The whole Israel/Palestine situation is ■■■■■■ up beyond belief and has been for ever and probably will never be resolved.
I grew up listening to news reports of the violence and my kids did, my grandkids will and so on.
Quite honestly and this sounds awful, its all sort of background noise for me. Horrific and evil what Hamas did but when this cycle of violence ends, nothing will have changed.
When we fought for civil rights who was the main group there marching alongside us and donating to the cause? Jewish people.
What group do we share the most similar history to? Jewish people. They went through enslavement, multiple genocides, and being scapegoated for all of society’s problems at various times throughout history. They know the struggle. They’ve been there.
Black Americans and Jewish Americans should be standing together. At all times. Instead I’m seeing too many of my fellow people of color flying Palestinian flags and chanting disgusting anti-Semitic garbage.
Our forefathers, the ones who fought for equality, would be disgusted in this behavior.