Ivy League and Antisemitism

The forum critprogs are pointing it out.

Wonder why that is?

I have no idea. All I know is that it makes me violently angry.

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Here’s a Jewish perspective


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Who? The 100 professors?

Have you read the letter?



Mika Tosca

Faculty members conclude their letter by saying, “One of the core responsibilities of a world-class university is to interrogate the underlying facts of both settled propositions and those that are ardently disputed.

Straight up crit flag.

US universities are indoctrination centers for leftists.


Hold up. You’re taking issue with the statement “interrogate the facts”?

Is it because it’s from a university faculty member? An educational elite?

You, and the rest of the MAGAs on here, whine incessantly about the left being “sheeple”, just “following orders”, “never questioning the medias narrative”…. All sorts of this ■■■■■■■■■

Why is this different? In an educational institution, where the very mission is to educate, how to you expect that to happen? If you don’t ask questions, where does your knowledge come from?

I’d expect this sort knee-jerk response from other posters, but it’s honestly surprising coming from you.

God that was a depressing read. But the author is right. It’s the ■■■■ you hear in some circles. And the antisemite blacks ignore the fact that the Arabs, both before and after the rise of Muhammad, enslaved just as many black Africans as the Europeans did.

you don’t need me to explain their position. Read the letter. I disagree with it.

They’ve been indoctrinated by dangerous leftist professors across our higher education institutions. The students don’t know what the hell they’re doing, some are being paid and others are just plain stupid, or brain washed. We’ve got “gays” in this country supporting Hamas controlled Gaza and you can’t get any dumber than that!

75% of voters in the Palestinian Authority in Gaza voted for Hamas in 2006 and 75% still support them and cheered over the atrocities of Oct 7 and would butcher a homosexual in a second, so there are few “innocents” in the region other than the children of course.


“Interrogate” is Crit Code.

I’m not a MAGA, crit.

I have known for quite some time now that the Left is truly evil in the true sense of the word, but I never thought I would see the days return when stars of David are painted on Jews homes and Jews in Berlin are leaving for fear of their lives.


After I posted that I had to reevaluate the “honestly surprising coming from you” line. Because it’s not. I initially posted that because recently you’ve gone on at length about the myriad of issues affecting public education and it’s students recently, poor reading/math scores, etc. Separately, for as long as I’ve seen your posts, you and the rest of MAGA continually post about Dems/libs not thinking for themselves and just falling in line, following orders that come down from… somewhere. So the antithesis of that implied behavior would be to question authority, sources of knowledge, information reported, rather than simply swallowing what your told and accepting as fact.

But that would require consistency, something generally derived from principle. That’s why I had to reevaluate. You’re talking out of both sides of your mouth…

I’m not MAGA, crit.

Not recently.


Once again the left has no clue about their own history. Ignorance is the main fuel of leftist…

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