It's official: The #ME TOO movement is a sham

What is stopping anyone else from investigating?

Whenever repubs investigate sexual assault and harassment they always end up blaming the victims…

No wonder no one takes them seriously anymore…

Basket of deplorables is too kind of a term…

So you only care when your opponents are doing it. Good to know.

Democratic Senators and Representatives are constantly in front of cameras claiming Ellison’s accuser is a liar, part of some larger campaign against Democrats, or deranged in some way?

Pretty much. Zero groups are calling for him to bow out or step down, and only a few have said they’re “reserving judgment.” There’s zero pressure on him whatsoever. He’s only being investigated by an allied group. I take it you’ll hold the results of the Kavanaugh investigation in the same regard as the Ellison investigation?

No, not pretty much.

I realize that it has become the norm in conservative circles to take a story negatively affecting your side, point to something not even that similar on the left, and act as if you have reached some sort of epiphany about how things are equally bad on both sides.

The Republican response to Kvanaugh’s accuser has been ultimatums and repeated accusations of her being a liar or mentally unstable. There is no Democratic equivalent with Ellison’s accuser. You can lie to yourself all you want, but reality is not partisan.

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Anything liberals touch turns rancid, it never fails!

There are currently two Democrat pols running for office that have charges against them by an ex-wife and an ex-girlfriend. Elllison is one and the other one I think is named Sharrod, or something like that, but its crickets on those two, and of course harassment of the victims, by the DNC.


And you’re ignoring and excusing the allegations against Ellison. That’s patently clear and obvious.

Do you know what the allegations against Ellison are?

No, I’m not. It sounds as if one accusation was adjudicated years ago in favor of Ellison and one is fairly new. I hope the truth comes out.

What I am not going to do is call the woman accusing Ellison of misconduct a liar or a whack job.

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Other than the physical and emotional abuse?

I mean the specifics of the allegations, and clearly the answer is no.

Like being dragged off the bed while he was cursing st her as well…

You’re getting closer. Keep googling.

Hello? What is stopping anyone else from investigating.

For the love of God spend a hundred twenty seconds of your day and read what happened.

The meninists on here would be doing backflips over what really happened if it was anyone except a high ranking Democrat.

What is stopping Republicans from investigating?

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This is the kind of post we would certainly see in muslim countries.

And those allegations are? Are any of us denigrating the woman/women accusing him? Is so, please point those people out.