They started out with such good intentions. Then of course, like everything else they got totally politicized. They are still holding politicians responsible, but now it’s only republicans. Democratic women abusers get a free ride. They went from “we must believer her” to " we only believe her if she is accusing a republican. They had integrity at first. Can anyone explain why the Keith Ellison situation is being totally ignored? They refuse to even talk about it. As if it never happened. The movement is no longer an honest movement. It’s now just yet another hysterical division of the resist movement. Screw the victims.
I know Tommy. When you cannot defend the indefensible, you simply say “Oh for the love of.”
So let’s address the actual question shall we? I’m opened minded. Help me to understand. Why do you suppose that all questions regarding Keith Ellison are being ignored? They do not defend him, nor do they question him, It’s always “no comment.”
Nice deflection, but the whole committee is investigating. Is there any one other than a democratic ally group full of Ellison’s friends “investigating” him? I notice you didn’t answer the question. Only deflected.