It's official: AOC admits she's covering for white supremacists

Okay. But she is the one throwing the biggest fit. I haven’t heard any others claim they were about to die. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe they all need one of these?


He’s the single most hated man in DC, even by other Republicans. Remember when he was your man and then Trump castrated him on live television and you stopped talking about him like immediately? He’s famous for having no backbone.

Right? By republicans, but not by conservatives. Cruz serves conservatives. And it’s impossible to make rational decisions while consumed by hate. People need to figure out how deal with their hate better first. Hate trumps logic.

I mean Trump called his wife ugly and claimed his dad was involved in an assassination THEN Ted Cruz continued to support and defend Trump politically.

He is really scary lol

They seem pretty obsessed with him right now. Maybe they are not afraid. Only acting that way? For some reason he seems to be their public enemy #1. Like John Dillinger only more dangerous.

Serious question. Do you think the dems are trying to find something to impeach him for? Or hoping for something?

Yup. And riot control/ civil disturbance was part of annual TRADOC with my NG regiment. Of course I was a younger man then and managing a riot baton and shield was fun. Today I’m looking to avoid breaking a hip the best way I can. We didn’t have all the nifty shin, knee, shoulder, forearm armor these boys have. Had a mil spec Kevlar w/ face shield, shield, 4’ wooden riot stick, Vietnam era flak vest, gas mask.
The videos I’ve seen of the perimeter activity only verify what everyone knows the Cap Police were woefully ill prepared and outnumbered. No ability to defend the castle walls; the keep is bound to fall.

I guess if you calling laughing at him “obsessing” then yes Dems are “obsessed”

But he definitely isn’t scary. Trump undressed his entire family on the national stage. And Ted Cruz proceeded to be his biggest advocate

I have seen a lot of rage. But not much laughing.

I’ll ask again. Do you think the dems are looking for something to impeach him for. Not asking for proof. Just a gut feeling.

Loudest fit I can agree with. She has among the most to lose.

Of course.

How about if he becomes the new Q-anon hero?

He won’t but He will remain QQurious. It’s politically advantageous for him.

It’s not up to him.

For questioning libs election integrity…how dare us for not trusting THEM. That’s what this is all about. Libs believe they’re the party of race…you question them then you must be a racist. We see them throw that out here on this forum all the time.


Trump fans didn’t question anything. They freaked out that they lost and are still freaking out.

Someone ask how many years we have left now. A few years ago she said 12.

Somehow I bet she still says only 12 years left. Many dems thinks she’s smart.

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Only libs can question the credibility/validity of election.


Well, that’s not true.

Maybe. But we’re not alone. We’re not the ones demanding revenge and retribution. We’re not the ones demanding that the other side get cancelled. We’re not the ones who have troops in D.C. promoting the illusion that it’s under siege.


Precisely…and left-wing fascist been burning cities down ever since.