It's not because of how "divided" we are

We’ve been divided before. But the word we should use now is hateful. We have NEVER been this hateful. Saying we’re divided is an understatement. Hateful pretty much covers it.


Balderdash. 1858. 1960.


He’s got a point. Cable news and social media have cranked it up to 10. They make more money the more angry the division is between the parties.

The money part is true, but it’s always been that way.

Some a y’all need a US history class.


Not 24 hours a day 7 days a week in your face. That is what is making it different.

Yeah, it was.

just heard on Fox that Biden is going to curb anti-Trump ads for the next few days

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Go look at the comments on Facebook, X, Instagram, Reddit, and every other social media platform. Biden voters are celebrating en masse - it’s not possible to bridge the divide with people who literally want any opposition dead.


Won’t matter. Social media libs are going to carry the water for him. They already are.

Oh geeze… people carry it with them everywhere. Even in the bathroom.

People were literally planning a revolutions in the 60s and 70s. That’s more divided

Balderdash. Don’t nit pic. You can omit the civil war if you choose. To clarify, I’m not talking about war. Is that better? And no, 1960 most people just lived their lives. What you saw on TV was not going on in the burbs. People didn’t hate people over who they were voting for like they do now.

They were fewer in number. Most people just wanted to live their lives. The hatefullness of today is much worse.

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Some of y’all need a class on making poor assumptions.

The left was planning the revolutions. The mindset hasn’t changed much.

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They revered the Weather Underground so much that they made them university professors. Thus began the decline of academia and we’re paying for it now.


People we’re not afraid to disclose who they were voting for because their friends and family would disown them over it. Now, many are.

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The people of the 1850s in Kansas didn’t need 24 hour news and they still got out there and shot their neighbors.

It’s all about having something to fight and kill for.

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That was a war. Now people are afraid to say who they will vote for because of family, friends and professional repercussions. This is as bad as it’s ever been. Are you saying it’s NOT hateful out there?


Oh it’s hateful. But this isn’t the first time.

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