It's not because of how "divided" we are

Weren’t those the leftist ■■■■ faces who were bombing police cars back then?


Yes. There was also a lot of smoke surrounding Bill Ayers and Obama.


They blew themselves up more than anything else.

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They were pretty inept at being terrorists. Unfortunately, they were quite good at indoctrinating generations of students.


Yeah they really should have went to a PLO camp to learn how to do it properly.

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War didn’t start till a decade later. Kansas had its own ■■■■ show in the 1850s over slavery because a ■■■■ ton of Missourians were moving in and bringing their slaves with them and the other anti slavery Kansans didn’t take too kindly to that.

Oh, well that’s definitely a silver lining. :rofl:


The whole new left movement was kind of incompetent.

Much more to it than that.


marcuse fist

Only those. The psy ops were very competent, they just got impatient. Still are today.

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It seems that NBC/MSNBC has pulled Morning Joe from the morning line up for Monday. Worried that someone on the show will say something stupid about the assassination attempt on Trump.

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we have been this hateful before, will be again. its the nature of our country, born of political violence. the revolution was particularly nasty business.


Political violence is the one thing the entire New World has in common. We were all born from it. Whether you be American, Venezuelan, Colombian, Mexican so on and so forth. A bunch of very similar revolutions happened in the new world from 1776 until about 1830. We had Washington and Adams and the Latinos had Miranda and Bolivar.

Can’t play nice so they don’t get to play at all. Nice. :joy:

If as a “news source” you can’t be trusted to actually report the news without being ■■■■■■■■ and saying inappropriate things you shouldn’t be in the business at all. “News” is not news, it’s now a bunch of narcissistic jerks spouting their own opinions about the days events.

Just look at the headlines after the attempt. Trump was startled by loud noises so had to be taken off the stage? What the hell kind of crap is that? This is why I loathe “news” outlets these days. All of them. They all do it.


The Daily Show also pulled out of RNC coverage.

Sad when they outright admit they can’t control their rage while on air.

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Don’t want their usual audience hearing the alternative arguments.

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Biden has done nothing but attack after his call for unity. However, he did reference one thing to show how divisive Trump supporters are.

“I’ve never seen a circumstance where you ride through certain rural areas of the country and people have signs,” Biden said. “There’s big Trump signs with little signs saying “F— Biden,” and a little kid standing there putting up his middle finger.”

Cool. I kind of like that image.
Its not like saying Biden is Hitler, but its kind of neat.


That’s because “unity” to a Democrat means eliminating all dissent. Judging by how many Biden voters across social media are enthusiastically supporting the assassination attempt, we can expect more violence from progressives in the very near future.


if you watched Holt’s interview, it was funny, he kept pressing Biden on what he could do to turn down the heat and all he could do was talk about how bad Trump was.