It's Just Another Cold Virus

To be that blissfully stupid. :rofl:


Did you read the OP?

Your study was based on results from 2020…including the data Pfizer and the others lied about to push the vaccine to market. Not my fault you believe lies built upon lies.


They’re going to lose the consent of the governed pretty quick if they try it again.


2020-July 2022.

The study was on mortality w/ and without any of the three vaccines. It was a study of studies. It didn’t rely on just one.

And your Pfizer story has not been confirmed. Sorry you fell for unconfirmed and unrelated allegations.

Try what again? Taking basic and effective steps to lessen the spread of an airborne deadly virus so as to keep the deaths down to a few thousand a day?


It was like a flu

Not cold.

Funny how the flu disappeared in 2020… like magic.


There is an accounting coming for what was done.

Already see it with workers fired over mandates.

It will be bigger than Camp Lejeune water.

Shutting the country down.

Point not missed, just noting your exaggeration of the stats.

Have read every post, have yet to see any “cheering…” as you claim. I see posters highlighting exaggeration of COVID-19 deaths, 99.999% of posters have said a variation of “we knew it was bad, once we discovered it mostly impacted the elderly and those already fighting a disease why did we keep schoola closed etc…”

Sorry that you don’t approve of my word choice…sheesh.

Words have meaning, “cheering” indicated happiness, etc. NOBODY is happy over what we went through, in fact many are pissed at being mislead as @Gaius has posted, and the govt using that fear.


“Hooray! We were right that Covid is just a cold!” is how I read a lot of these posts.

Sorry that you disagree.

What you’re missing (or perhaps refusing to acknowledge) is that if you have a serious illness like heart disease, emphysema, kidney failure. e.t.c., a bad case of the common cold can be enough to kill you. Covid is a potentially serious respiratory disease … it can easily push already seriously ill people over the edge. But it rarely kills all on it’s own.


Then sorry, but thats on you.
For some it WAS just like a bad cold, for me it was a hell of a sore throat and some fatigue but that was it. For my 83 year old mom it wasn’t even that bad.


Virtually nobody dies anymore from Covid who isn’t dying anyway. 3-4x0=0

The key word there is “were.”

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Libs are probably mistaking dead Kung Flu bodies for the rampant homeless fentanyl zombies filling their ■■■■ hole cities. :wink:

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